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Tons of unique variants in this one!

I gotta say I'm so satisfied with this pic! Took a bit of time, but the end results were the most important!

And now we got ourselves Ningguang, who I might be in love right now <3

I was gonna add Beidou, but I guess the hand is enough to suggest that it's her, and she brought quite the gag to use with her <3

Let's move forward to Bagel!




Love how accepting she is of that dildo gag! Wonderful work as always!


oh man, these are fantastic


Love the progression of her gag, as well as the blindfold. Great job!


Absolutely stellar! I adore all of the little details depicting Ning's enjoyment. And, of course, I'd recognize those gloves anywhere :P


omg this is wonderful! Ning is one of my favorite waifus in the game and she looks simply gorgeous done up all proper like this, bound, gagged and blindfolded &lt;3 Thank you!


Love the secretary look on Ningguang, and her acceptance of the gag, she is having a good time indeed, Fantastic Bonus!


Great pose, excellent choice of outfits, and the typical Bagelbomb-bondage excellence. I really enjoy the softer lighting on this as well, really sets it apart from your usual works. Looking forward to Bagel!


She broke a contract and now has to face the wrath of the rock


Where can i download these?


Great work man, your colouring has improved everytime you upload, keep it up ^^