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Overcoming the misfortunes of Sword Maiden, Priestess volunteers to help her out! By the use of some secret techniques from the Land of the East known to bring about relief and pleasure. For the technique to be fully utilized, both must remove their robes and be in a state of spiritual trance to summon the ropes. As both focus strongly, they are ensnarled together with their hands tied together. The position requires the hands to remain in a prayer position for the technique to work. 

As the ropes tighten their delicate and voluptous bodies, both are overcome by the pleasure. Priestess initially objects a bit, but overcomes her doubts as she made a promise to help Sword Maiden. However, Sword Maiden is elated as she falls into a state of excitement as the ropes rub from betweem her legs causing her to grind against Priestess. Priestess can't help but feel a bit of excitement as well, but she notices that the technique is working as Sword Maiden is in a euphoric state.

Although the session was therapeutic, Priestess and Sword Maiden forgot how to break the spell. With their hands completely tied, there's no way they'll get out of their situation! They can only hope for another maiden to appear and break the enchantment. 


Gag variants:
Ring gag
Blindfold (Priestess)


Alright guys! I think I've got the sketches done and I'm ready to work on them! Which do you guys prefer for me to finish first?

Mona, Bagel or Sword Maiden/Priestess?




Love it <3 can't wait to see this finished


Awesome work as always! Love the contrasting emotions of the two. Sword Maiden would definitely try and get Priestess to start enjoying herself if someone slipped a vibrator between them


❤️ This looks super cute. Hmm I say Mona first!


i vote sword maiden and priestess


This sketch looks fantastic, they look so cute! If I had to choose, I would vote Mona first.


I vote sword maiden and priestess first, it looks great and nice backstory haha!


I vote for this to get finished first.


only thing is I would like to see more of Sword Maidens tied up hands a bit, but lovely looking piece so far


Yeah, it's a bit difficult with this angle, but I'll try and see if I can work around that :>


Looking good. Love the reverse prayer. Sword Priestess and Maiden second, Bagel first.


I think I'm for the mona being finished first. But goddamn this is nice


Cute little Priestess and hot Sword Maiden at the same time? Yeeeeeeees!

Brandon Barger

My vote is for Bagel to be finished first.


Looks wonderful. Thanks for including not only the sword Maiden, but also the priestess. Bagel or sword maiden first.


Hoooo boy, you've outdone yourself with this one, Bagel. I'm gonna have to vote for this one first, but I'm excited about all three!

Gold King

My vote is the Priestess and Sword maiden first.


Mona has my vote!


for me Mona then bagel


priestess sword maiden hopefully, fine either way~


Sword maiden and Priestess :)


Definitely Sword Maiden and Priestess first then Bagel. If you will draw Mona (second time) it will be the first time we asked you to finish sketch and you would actually do it.


I'd say sword maiden and priestess for sure, great work!


Personally, I'd want to see Bagel done first