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Seeing as she has no money to afford some food, Mona attempts to infilitrate a Hillichurl camp with the intention of stealing their food. As she manages to find their livestock, she starts engulfing the drumsticks. However, a bunch of Hillichurls take notice as Mona digs into the meat. Without noticing, they all ambush her and tie her down with a bunch of ropes. Stuck in this humiliating position, Mona is tied down to her knees and can't move an inch. They gag her and leave her there as the Hillichurls ventilate their anger.

After a couple of hours, Paimon takes notice of Mona being tied down like a pack of ham and alerts the Traveler. As they decimate the camp, they rescue Mona and take her to a better place for her to eat. 

Poor Mona, all she wanted was some food :(




A fantastic bdsm art piece along with a happy ending? Truly we are blessed to have you.


She's going through a lot as it is, so she deservers a happy ending :> Thank you so very much, hehehe <3


Super cute! I know it’s a small detail but I like the brown otm. Poor Mona. Lol


Poor Mona, at least she got a happy ending, fantastic job as usual mate!


She's one fine-looking piece of ham, I'll agree!


something about that bit gag and blindfold combo is just hot


Suddenly, Mona's gag scene came up.I can't stand this!It's my favorite character, so I can't help but come back!Oh, my.

Emil Scherbe

Super sweet. Thank you for OTM


fantastic bit gag