Character suggestion - Monthly Poll! (Patreon)
2021-04-09 23:56:24
2021-04-10 10:15:00
New round; new characters; new rules!
In this new poll, I will be chosing characters based on their frequency. This means that the more that franchise or character appears the lesser chance a character from that franchise will appear in the Poll! The reason for this is to give other series/franchises a chance to win.
Second, 20 other characters will appear in the second poll, which will effectively replace the Loser's chance. Once we've determined whether this new poll system works, it will remain permanent!
- Max 20 characters will be chosen.
- You can suggest only one character!
- Characters from FATE and PERSONA 5 are excluded for two months. (This does not apply to bonus pics.)
- Only one character per franchise, if two characters of the same franchise are suggested, I will choose the one with most likes.
- My OCs aren't elligible to join.
- Read the comment section so you don't choose a character that has already been suggested. Otherwise, that suggestion will not appear in the poll.
- Character that have won a previous poll has a cooldown period of six months starting the day they won.
- No lolis, mechas or overly complexed character designs
Rin Tohsaka will be up tomorrow, stay tune!