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Hey guys, I apologize for the lack of updates. I'm currently feeling a bit burned out from having to keep up with two jobs -- I know I've said this before already, so I apologize if I'm repeating myself. Furthermore, I feel like I've regressed a bit with my art, and that certainly doesn't make me confident at all, the Misaki pic didn't turn out the way I wanted and because of that, I'm planning to redo it. It's a shame, because I really wish to continue working, but I'm always struck with these demotivating factors from time to time. Normally, these things dissipate after a day or two, but I hope I'll be able to find the right motivation to keep working soon.

I apologize again, this year has been particularly tough on me and the update frequency. Hopefully, by summer I should be free from having to deal with two jobs and actually start working on the Bagel comic. Thank you for being patient with me. 



That's perfectly reasonable. Take the time you need to rest and reset.

Jack Z

Don’t worry , it’s fine if you need to take a break, don’t let the crowd’s expectations and the stress get to you, if you feel burned out, take a break, we’ll still most likely be here, take as much time as you need to recover from the burn out.


Take your time and don't push yourself too hard :)

Conor Sheehy

Take the time you need to in order to recover from the burnout. I suggest posting whatever art you want here in the meantime that helps you keep up the work habit while also keeping things fresh. The worse thing would be for you to just feel miserable drawing, that'll ruin the whole thing for you. Take care of yourself.


Do not worry, take a break if you have to. You are awesome and we do not want you to break down.


It's a shitty time for everyone, so please don't feel bad for feeling fatigued. Take the time you need to get yourself into a better place and return when you're ready. We understand :)


Your art is amazing and ecen your WiP and rough sketches are top tier!!! There is nothing wrong with wanting the best from yourself and we understand if things take a bit longer. I think we all just like seeing updates, even if its just to say you need some time. and you are far more active than many other artists I follow. Rest up well


Ah dang I hope you feel better soon! It really sucks when you feel like you're in a slump but I hope you manage to recover from it. On a side note though if you don't mind sharing (not trying to hate or anything I'm just genuinely curious about this) why is it you're working so many jobs? Do you just feel an obligation to continue working multiple jobs on top of the patreon? Or is it perhaps a matter of the patreon not providing enough funding for your living expenses? I ask because from several of your posts it seems that working multiple jobs can be stressful (and rightfully so) for you, and as such I was wondering if there was something preventing you from taking on less work for the sake of your mental health (be it a physical or psychological wall)


Yeah, this is a good a time as any to tell you guys. But the reason I'm having two jobs is because Patreon is not considered an "income" by the tax revenue until a certain time has passed. As a result, Patreon isn't regarded as an income and I can't use it as a certification for certain legal affairs. The current affair I'm dealing with is to get my wife a permanent residency in Sweden so we can live together and you need a certain income, but Patreon is not considered a form of income from a jurisdictional pov until a certain time has passed. Furthermore, I have to deduct the monthly earnings I make and consistently pay a hefty amount in taxes to make sure the money I'm earning is legal so that it can be legitimized as an income. As a result, I have to resort to a second job as a way to certify that I have an income. It's a lot of administrative and technical stuff, but it's complete bs...

Gregory Hardin

Please take some time to rest and recharge. Your work is always appreciated and enjoyable; however, it really shines best when you're having fun creating your art. 😁


Take all the time you need to! I know how feeling burnt out can grind your productivity to a halt, and I wouldn't want you to experience that. So if you feel like you gotta take some time off or whatever you need to do, do it. I promise we'll be here when you're back! :3


Please, take care of yourself. I’m all too familiar with creative burnout and how badly it sucks. No matter how tempting it is, please don’t try to push through it, you need time to rest and recover. Your art is spectacular and I have no problems waiting for it.


It's alright. Things will turn out your way. Hopefully the Misaki pic doesn't get too much changed because I did like the theme and pose of the sketch drawing.


Yeah, I'm planning on reusing the same pose- I feel like I can do much better than that, which is why I was very nitpicky about it


Yeah no worries, just take your time burn out can be a bitch to deal with. If you just need a day where you feel like stepping away from the computer, or whatever method to relax a bit, take it. Also I wish you luck in getting your wife to be a permanent residence with you. Just hang in there.


Take all the time you need. Your art is great because you put a lot of time into it, but don't push yourself too far.


Your life takes priority, better to take care of yourself than continue to feel burnt out (since I know it sucks to feel that way haha) - bandage aficionados will always be around but health is something more sensitive (especially during these times)


I wouldn’t say you’ve regressed, if anything your art is better than ever. Seriously, that rin pic is GODLY, you’re amazing. Definitely take some time off if you need to though


Take your time, your art is amazing and I don't think you have regressed in any way, but if you are feeling burned out, nothing wrong with taking a moment for yourself, your own life and health are more important, so have a little confidence in yourself, you do great work!


dont ya worry, go grab some chill time. its not good to force yourself to do stuff


You take care of yourself we appreciate what you are doing and know that some good things will take time.

Rathuin Day-Aura

Take the time you need bagel. I’m still planning on supporting you financially no matter for how long

Rako Halberk

Take your time with all that you've provided us you deserve a vacation


Hey, burn out sucks, get yourself feeling better and come back when you're ready!


It's good to take some time to rest every now and then (although I will say that Misaki pic is great as is)


You have nothing to apologize for, you did nothing wrong. Just take all the time you need. As everyone else has said, your art is wonderful and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I just hope I didn't force you into anything with the misaki picture, otherwise I apologize. Doing two jobs at the same time deserves everyone's respect. Take care of your health and rest.


You didn't, I thought it was a great idea, it's just that when I cant get those poses the way I get sort of disparaged by it Thank you so very much, Zero ♡


Just take care


I can only say that I like the pose and leather armbinder-spreader bar combination you put misaki in. The bondage and the collar with leash round off the whole thing. Although you have not seen the series, still fit perfectly to the character. So please don't stress too much. You can see alone in the details of the characters and backgrounds how much work and love you put into your art. I can't tell if you're putting too much pressure on yourself, but please don't be too hard on yourself, it's not healthy. Bagel please try to relax and give yourself a nice rest.


No worries! Take care of yourself


Don't worry! Take as much time as you need. Your art is the best!


Don't worry we are always waiting for you, seeing your art is something really magnificent or at least for me. thank you today and always for sharing your art and your time.

Matthew Hafner

Everyone else has already said it and I agree. Take your time and do what you need to. We won't abandon you.