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Barbara: This is a real shame, sister Rosaria! The other sisters believe you were breaking the dress code, so now they sent me to chastise you. 

Rosaria: Mghh...

Barbara: Hopefully, you'll confess to your sins and return to us with a reformed heart. In the meantime, you will have to endure your punishment and repent. 

Rosaria: Hmph!

Barbara: Struggling will only prolong your chasisement, sister Rosaria! With these devices, you'll surely reform! I will return in a few days to release you out of your confinement. Until then, you will have to atone.

Rosaria: Nghhhh!!


A bunch of variants in this one, phew!! Thank you guys for waiting! We're off to a good month! <3



Jason Hong

What are the tally marks for?

Panda Konnizer

Straightjackets are my favorites, it suits Rosaria perfectly, nice work once again! 🔥🔥


Hopefully more straitjacket pics in the future


A nun with tights in a straitjacket is a fantastic combination. The variant with the blindfold and without gag is my favorite. But the cleave gag is a welcome change. The shadow and light effects add the finishing touches to the background. Both have a nice facial empathy.


Cleave gag , OTM gag 정말 만족합니다! 당신의 작품에 대한 열정에 찬사를 보냅니다!


that's sad that there isn't an aegaho variant without blindfold, but this is still a great work, thanks you !


This is absolutely amazing, bagel! These types are restraints(straitjackets, leather restraints) are fantastic. Hopefully more of this is to come


Happy to see feet again ×D as always a very good work &lt;3


Lovely! Great to see Rosaria put in her place &lt;3


Honestly why would she try to reform when she could stay like that forever

Emil Scherbe

Epic. Thank you for all those variants


Why does Barbara have such devices to begin with? For just such an occasion? Fantastic work on this one!


Does Rosaria get her revenge?


Ah, I'm so happy you did Rosaria. She looks great here. So hot, and mad!