Bonus pic: Rosaria [Genshin Impact] (Patreon)
2021-05-07 05:00:52
2021-05-07 05:12:02
Barbara: This is a real shame, sister Rosaria! The other sisters believe you were breaking the dress code, so now they sent me to chastise you.
Rosaria: Mghh...
Barbara: Hopefully, you'll confess to your sins and return to us with a reformed heart. In the meantime, you will have to endure your punishment and repent.
Rosaria: Hmph!
Barbara: Struggling will only prolong your chasisement, sister Rosaria! With these devices, you'll surely reform! I will return in a few days to release you out of your confinement. Until then, you will have to atone.
Rosaria: Nghhhh!!
A bunch of variants in this one, phew!! Thank you guys for waiting! We're off to a good month! <3