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Thanks to bhy123 for the suspension suggestions!

ULTIMATE SHORTSTACK MODE! Now I didn't know whether I'd be able to pull off a suspension hogtie, but what do you know! It worked! This might be the bustiest character I've drawn yet, but it feels good to let loose and just draw the way you want!

Tohru decided to put Ilulu in her place so that she won't intervene between her and Kobayashi. Well, I think she deserves it, what do you guys think?

$10 pledgers can suggest up to two variants! 




Yeeeeeep, Amazing 🥵🔥


Cow ears and suction milker?


Suction milk and tape mittens


Love that you went with Tohru being the one that put Ilulu in this situation, and suspension bondage goes really well with her chest size~


Oh and for alts suggestions, how about a tape gag that goes over her hair, and if you can, maybe an alt where her pigtails are pulled back in the hogtie?

David Night

Oh geez, those bewbs! Looking great!

Jason Hong

The greatest 1v1 duel of all time.


I gotta say, you actually made her kinda hot, cause man I do not find her design attractive


Breast pumps! Maybe even cow lingerie. I think it would be perfect for someone with her… assets :)


Hehehe! I'm glad you noticed! The idea was to make her body look a bit more mature, I couldn't work around with the lack of details as was presented in the anime, so to give her a bit of a mature look, I decided to add in some extra details to her body


Imo nipple clamps would fit there perfectly


Breast pump or weighted nipple clamps!

Sen Trillion

Breast pump and heavy tape wrap maybe? Looks amazing!


Looks really great so far, love the amount of thiccness you gave her As for variants I think a tape wrap gag would look rlly nice


I don't know the character, but can you possibly do a facial expression with her narrow pupils or her dragon/shark fangs or both. That could maybe fit an aheago face or bit gag. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/maid-dragon/images/4/46/Ep15_Ilulu_overlook.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210703001630


For those asking about suction milkers or whatever, Bagel isn’t comfortable with that stuff. They attempted to do it with the Asuna and Suguha piece but I’m pretty sure due to both Patreon rules and their own preference, it’s just not something they want to draw. It caused them a bit (a good deal) of stress last time so please don’t ask for it any more, for their sake.


I think I might try it out this time, since the opportunity calls for it but I'll keep it in dropbox ♡ I appreciate you sticking up to me about my comfort zone

Brandon Barger

Gotta say, with tits like that, gotta show them off somehow. I second the weighted nipple clamps. And if you're comfortable with it, I also suggest the suction cups. But after last time, I totally understand if you don't go with it.


"you humans have very strange ways of spending your time"


Cool! I’m a huge fan of those sorts of things but didn’t want to stress you out at all. Just wanted to make sure the Asuna and Sugu situation was known and didn’t repeat itself. No problem! Hope I wasn’t overstepping my bounds and assuming things I shouldn’t! Keep up the great work! Can’t wait to see the Astolfo one!


Ah if milker’s are a no go how about cow ears and a cowkini top alt?


dear gaaad... just wonderful <3 >w<


Open to dialogue?


I’m always a fan of aheago ring gags, and the milkers


Never forget, Tohru was an evil dragon to begin with. She's still got it ;)


LAYERED OTN and more vibes for me. :)