Bondage suggestions: Ryuko & Satsuki [KLK] 🎉 (Patreon)
2021-09-04 11:29:45
2021-09-04 11:33:56
You know what? I can't pass this opportunity, so we'll make this a duo pic! The poll winner of this month is Ryuko, but I feel we should add Satsuki to it!
You guys know the gist! Suggest:
- Poses and angles
- Setting (Where and how did they get themselves into this mess?)
- Ropework (Bunny rope, Hogties, frogties. hopping, suspension and etc)
- Gags (Ballgags, OTM, OTN and etc)
- Accessories (Vibes, clamps and etc)
- Dialogues (If you have an idea for a good script, I'll use it!)
- Misc (Anything else you have in mind!)
Simply suggest your ideas by commenting below! Try to be as detailed as possible! :)