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You know what? I can't pass this opportunity, so we'll make this a duo pic! The poll winner of this month is Ryuko, but I feel we should add Satsuki to it!

You guys know the gist! Suggest:

- Poses and angles
- Setting (Where and how did they get themselves into this mess?)
- Ropework (Bunny rope, Hogties, frogties. hopping, suspension and etc)
- Gags (Ballgags, OTM, OTN and etc)
- Accessories (Vibes, clamps and etc)
- Dialogues (If you have an idea for a good script, I'll use it!)
- Misc (Anything else you have in mind!)

Simply suggest your ideas by commenting below! Try to be as detailed as possible! :)


Renegade Doge

Ooh well a duo pic is a pleasant surprise :D I remember a fun picture that could be a great reference for this, https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90368108 Perhaps the dialogue and setting could have to do with them being captured by Ragyo and left in one of the classrooms while she takes over the school. And maybe some lewder alternate versions as well like vibrators, blindfolds, etc.


Nui tied them up neck to toe with life fibers of course excluding the breasts and ass


Hmmm nothing too in-depth. But I thought I would like to mention that Kill la Kill is very fun opportunity to have their clothes become into part of the bondage. If I had to be specific I remember This one Doujinshi where her kamui got turned into a straitjacket if you wanted a specific bondage idea. You could also have their clothes turn into armbinders.


Could have the lifefibers turning against them and tying them up that way :)


Maybe Ryuko’s outfit has gotten out of control and it’s wrapping the two up and squishing them together face to face

Matthew Bandstra

I’m not to clear on possible poses, but what if a textilekinetic (a person able to manipulate cloth) turned their own suits against them making them expand into bondage suits that keep their limbs pinned and their mouths forced shut. (Maybe even make a blindfold as well)


Maybe a bondage position where the butt is facing up and the back is on the floor. The skirt would fall down and reveal a beautiful view. We have often seen boob on boob squish, but what about butt on butt or boob on butt squish? The second could be tied in such a position. Ragyo Kiryuin could also put her two daughters in maid outfits as an educational measure.


One on the ground and one on the top with their gags kissing each other. They are wearing straitjackets that are morphing together. Ball Gags, Ring Gags, Bit Gags and Panel gags work. Try Vibes and a wand vibrator. That's all I got.


A dual reverse prayer hogtie with a connecting ball gag seems like a good idea

anton allison

I have an Idea actually! The Life Fibers in Senketsu and Junketsu are taken over by Ragyo and both are morphed into Straitjackets with built in Ballgags and Hoods!


Something like this: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3276288


Time for a sleepover! Satsuki invites Ryuko over for a sleepover to resolve their differences and "strengthen their bonds" as sisters. Kidnappers show up and tie them up. Ryuko struggles hard, believing them to be real, when in reality it's one of the Kiryu family retainers planned by Satsuki to force Ryuko to share her love of bondage. Ryuko could be in her bunny pj's with her pants pulled down in her struggles revealing her classic striped pantsu and Satsuki could be dressed a little sexier in like a baby doll or something since she had this all planned out from the beginning. As for gags, ballgags are best gags, but Satsuki could also have a tape gag with panty stuffing since she's the perverted one ;)


Simple scenario idea. Their outfits betray them. The bindings could get progressively more complex/inescapable.


Would love to see bondage where everytime Ryuko struggles it pulls on Satsuki's crotchrope and vice versa! Also add vibrators for extra stimulation. Then for the gag, muzzle and harness ballgag but linked together by metal rods would be great but would also love to see a pantyhood with ballgag combo ^^


Ragyo puts them in a dual hogtie made out of life fibers and they're both ball gagged and have their hair tied to their feet.