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This is what you all suggested! And you know what? I thought this would be a good opportunity to test my skills and make a short comic of some sort! 

The second page will include some additional panels, so stay tuned! I'm not sure how long it'll take to finish, but I'm aiming before the end of this month!

Perhaps I'm breaking some of the rules of the VR system in SAO, but hey, who cares!

The finished product will be available for $7 pledgers!

$10 pledgers may suggest additions to this comic!




Yes! Finally best girl Sinon gets some love lol! Really enjoy this one!

Iriga Avo

No ice… Noice


Absolutely love this scenario, it’s so hot~ As for suggestions how about a tape wrap gag that goes over her hair and a blindfold alt


Oooh a short comic. This a very nice surprise.


I’ll take some thigh highs if u got some time


some nice and tight leather straps would look nice on here


Glad to know I'm not the only one who thought of exploiting the VR system this way :)

Matthew Bandstra

Oh dear…Wait, scratch that, (coughs in fist) OH MY!


That's something to look forward to. Sinon has some beautiful facial impressions.


For 2nd panel, I'd love some gag variants so harness ballgag, muzzle gag and over the nose tape gag!


Nice. I’d kinda like to see asuna and leafa now like this.

Renegade Doge

I'll suggest a barefoot version ^^ looks great so far!


I did not expect this to be a comic but I really like it so far! I also like the tape gag as well and that we get to see both versions of Sinon. Looking forward to the rest^^


Since she’s got the VR headset on, it would be a shame not to make use of it! Maybe she tries to escape or yell or curse, and so to quiet her down, they play some sort of hypnosis on her headset?


Hah, an interesting situation.


Uh Oh....

Taco von Neckbeard

More tape is always a good thing I always say


Harness Ball Gag, Bit Gag, Ahegao and maybe some nudity


Love the short comic idea, looks great!


Thanks for taking the time to turn this into a comic! Would love to see a stuffed sock + tape wrap gag variant for the last two pages!