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Blake Beladonna from RWBY is this poll's winner! Congratulations RWBY fans!🎉

Unfortunately, I do not know much about the series myself, so I'll leave the brainstorming to you guys, since I know you're all creative with ideas! Just be sure to be descriptive, since I'm not familiar with the series. Thank you!

You guys know the gist! Suggest:

- Poses and angles
- Setting (Where and how did they get themselves into this mess?)
- Ropework (Bunny rope, Hogties, frogties. hopping, suspension and etc)
- Gags (Ballgags, OTM, OTN and etc)
- Accessories (Vibes, clamps and etc)
- Dialogues (If you have an idea for a good script, I'll use it!)
- Misc (Anything else you have in mind!)

Simply suggest your ideas by commenting below! Try to be as detailed as possible! :)



I think a hogtie that pulls her hair back would look amazing in your style

Iriga Avo

Wrapped by some kind of Grimm that has appendages that can be used for restraining.

Brandon Barger

Maybe she got tied up with her own weapon while fighting a tentacle Grimm.

Mia Vanchina

I think it'd be cool that the fact that she can shadow clone herself could come into play


Since she’s part cat, it could have maybe a cat theme to it, like just as a example if she gets a tape gag, maybe have whiskers drawn on it, and maybe have her tied up so she’s on all four like a cat.


Ah if I may recommend, you should try to go for the Volume 7 aesthetic


Maybe have it so she is tied up and walking around on all fours and getting led around on a leash


Since a popular ship is with yang, could have Yang as making puns about her predicament and enjoying the “bellabooty •


Collar and Leash with a Ring gag and frog tied with some shibari style ropes for her breasts. The dialogue could be something along the lines of degrading her for her cat ears and how she looks the part of a pet now. If you’re okay with NSFW maybe a bowl full of… stuff… in front of her and she’s told to lap it up


I honestly don't know much about RWBY either so grain of salt here but I would LOVE to see another kidnapping scenario not unlike Sinon or Chris Yukine, I just can't get enough of that carry. In a box for transport is equally appreciated though. And based on the art I've seen, I'm sure there's no shortage of strong candidates for the kidnapper.


I support pet themes. For example collar, leash, paw or tape mittens, a bowl where her name on it, a tail maybe attached with tape....


Maybe have her be tied up by Yang. Not sure if in the bedroom or somewhere else


Playing with a ball of yarn gone horribly wrong?


Personally, I'd really rather not a pet theme since it's really overdone with Blake (since cat ears, whoa!). We've had a lot of hogties, so what about a strappado tie or big old spreadeagle with a nice rope harness?

Jon Whitehead

Ok I'm a big RWBY fan and I think something fun would be this. Current design Blake gets captured by the villain Salem (does not have to be pictured or could be a shadow silhouette). Salem has these cool floating minions called Seer's they have extendable blade tentacles which could be a fun unique bondage restraint. So basically Blake is on an infiltration mission at Salem;s base Evernight Castle to learn about the enemy and gets captured. I'm indifferent to the bondage position, but I think a strapedo would be great. Image references: Blake: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/5/54/BlakeV8C2-crop.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/441?cb=20210724233838 Salem: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/a/a1/Salem-v8ch1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/688?cb=20201203080422 Seer: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/2/22/Seer_ProfilePic.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/446?cb=20171024155547 Evernight Castle: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/6/65/Vol_5_Trailer_0004.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20171009195035


Blake being forced into maid bondage as a way to build discipline and fix her avoidance tendencies.

Alexander Cebulla

I feel like something to do with Yang would be most accurate, since those two are pretty much together. Maybe some playful bondage together?

wong dong

Would it be too much to ask to incorporate Weiss in this piece? She came in close second in many previous polls!

Iriga Avo

Here’s an interesting video that tells what exactly Blake Beladonna is; https://youtu.be/pk-Ev89ONw0


As Blake is implied to be something of a perv in the show at one point, perhaps she'd be enjoying her situation even before any vibes etc. are added to her situation? A whole bunch of vibes would also be pretty nice to see too