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Hello guys! Sorry to bring you these news again. I am currently recovering from a short burnout. As you guys may know, I am working full-time as a teacher, which means I got two jobs. These couple of weeks have seen the most stressful ones and I haven't been feeling all too good mentally and I. I am trying to recover and hope to post the sketch of Blake (rwby) by tomorrow or saturday.

I apologize for the inconvenience, I hope to finish things asap. 😖



Burnout sucks and is something that kinda pushed me into depression when I tried working past it. Definitely take time off, its the best course of action. Hope things cool off and you can get some time to relax! Don’t worry about us!


Sorry to here that. Hope your feeling better and come back when your ready. :) Your health comes first


Take all of the time you need. After all, it's about enjoying what one is doing. And if it requires a break, then so be it. Stay safe and get well soon!


Hey, take all the time you need to recover. You can’t rush perfection anyways.

Brandon Barger

Take care of yourself first. We'll still be here when you post it.

Sean Patrick

Amazing how you can do this on top of being a full time teacher. Have a good break!


Your health is important. Just relax and take that stress all away

Jason Hong

No worries. Take your time. Also, congrats on being a teacher!

Jack Z

You can take a break for recovering your mental health, honestly amazing how you work as a full-time teacher while doing this. But your personal well being is important, get better


Take your time and rest ❤️ Hope you will get better soon ^^


Btw imagine being a student and discovering that your teacher draws extra kinky pictures of anime girls after work XD


Take care of yourself! You still post more often than some other people and your content is amazing. Your health and wellbeing is more important

Iriga Avo

That’s quite an interesting double job life. Do you happen to be an art teacher. If so, what if a student or other teacher recognizes your art style? Take care by the way, I understand having two jobs can be taxing.


Hey no you arent a slave take care of urself ya dingus


Take the time you need. Thank you for you.


Take your time


I hope you'll be able to take it easy and rest up soon!

That SPY

The last thing we need is a burnt bagel.


Take a longer break and enjoy the Christmas spirit. Miss Bagel, a teacher and secretly an artist all in one.


No problem take the time ya need, and look forward to the Blake piece


Definitely take the time you need. Burnout is no fun, and your mental health is important. Take a break and enjoy yourself! We'll still be here when you get back. :)


Take all the time you need. ❤️ Wish I had a kinky teacher like bagel when I was in school. 😜