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Hey guys! It's been a fun month I gotta tell ya and I've been taking this month to focus on improving my art. You see, I've always wanted to take my art to the next level and it's always been a dream for me to let you in on the Bagelverse. What initially started as a fun little doodle turned into a semi-doujin of some sort!
No, it's not gonna be that long and its nearly ending, but it serves as a good start and helps give myself some insight on the whole world of manga making.

I would like to ask you guys what you feel about the comic and the sort of explicit content you don't see from me.

Second, how are you enjoying this little project as far?

Third, would you guys like for me to jump right into the Nico pic or would you like for me to finish the next page.

Thanks guys! If you got any other questions, I will try and answer them!


Sean Patrick

I think the series and natural progression of affairs is great!


Your art has always been amazing! Making it even more NSFW is PERFECT! I think a short comic style with polling would be fun! Maybe a CYOA with ideas you have for the bagelverse hahaha


I love this project, Bagel and Soda don't get enough love! I'd say finish the next panel to see thr grand finale, and I am loving the explicit stuff


I'm enjoying a lot your work and this little story told in several pics. Your style has been only improving by leaps. It's impressive! I'm here for the awesome ride you're giving us <3

Demarcko Minor

I love this project keep up the great work 👏 👍


I like the bold attempt on the comic and I feel that the explicit content fits with the theme of the situation. I definitely enjoy the project and I believe it's good to experiment and try new elements. I say finish the next page and then the Nino pic.


I’m really enjoying the bagelverse manga stuff so definitely feel free to do more of that. Personally, I wanna see the mini comic finished before the Nico pic but I’m not picky


The answers to one and two are "OH MY GOD I LOVE IT!" This is just the best. And I kinda want to see the ending to this first. Thank you so much for everything you do.


Personally I’m not into the more explicit thing in the comic but I absolutely love the rest of it!


I admit while the art is great, at least for me as a lesbian it's a little disappointing seeing an emphasis on girls being tied up constantly by big men. Would be nice to see the occasional F/F again like we used to see at times


I can totally get that, although my ocs are bi/pan (which is supposed to be an allusion to me and my partner's sexuality), the things happening are mostly reflections based on our respective fetishes and preferences. Regardless, I will definitely try something more wholesome and playful involving the girls, especially as a form of introduction to the Bagelverse.


I feel like you should do explicit works whenever it suits you. If you only feel you should do it when the situation calls for it, or only as a bonus or something, then it should be your call. I personally enjoy both worlds. As for the Bagelverse stuff, it's ideal. The way you design the characters and situation seems like it flows even better than your fandom-inspired stuff. I honestly feel like you're at your best when working with your OCs and I love every second of it.


I love comics whenever they are posted by my patreon memberships, however, yours specifically is really really great to see. I dont care much for the explicit stuff, but it doesnt detract away from the overall enjoyment factor. I'm SO excited for more bagelverse content as when you draw them it is always among your best content and I truly cannot wait to see more! Lastly, you should definitely finish this great project you have going before the Nico pic. Again, I just want to let you know how great this preview to the Bagelverse has been over the last couple weeks or so! Great work!!


you could draw in black and white forever and I will still follow. I have really enjoyed your comic stories, and while its definitely different from "traditional" doujins, I think they are still hot. Id love to see more explicit stuff, but as long as you keep up the awesome bondage art I dont really care how explicit it gets or not

Jon Whitehead

I've been enjoying everything you've been doing. Your art is top notch and it just keeps improving. I'd like to see the end of the comic first. Out of curiosity is the Helltaker pic still on the list to finish?


I am absolutely adoring this comic! I love your OCs, I very much enjoy this more explicit content, and I am all about seeing the rest of it continued!

Connor Altier

Im loving this comic! One thing that comes to mind for me though is how the comic seems to have started too non-con, I personally prefer consensual bondage stuff (which is part of why I love your OCs, they were always at least mostly happy to be in bondage). But I dont want to sound negative! It's great art, and great fun to see your gals anytime


I couldn't handle it before when a guy was involved in the picture/art and honestly found this uncomfortable, but since you posted the explicit art last year I see it as ok. You can say that I got used to it, it sounds kind of weird when I put it like that.... I rather like yuri, but please draw whatever you feel like. Also, I like any art of yours. Seeing pictures with your OCs always makes me happy.


I personally always love when the artist has their own projects! artistic freedom is key to getting better and the comic proves that. keep on trucking Bagel :D


i love it, the explicit is different it mixes things up, and you draw it very well


Personally I'm a huge fan of the explicit content you've made; it allows for a lot more new and creative scenarios that your art hasn't really explored yet and I'd love to see more!

Christoper Borthan

I really like more the long format and want to see the end so please draw what you like

Brandon Barger

I always support more Bagleverse. I can't get enough of her to be honest. Personally, I enjoy explicit stuff. Maybe if you're worried about people not liking it, you could make the preview really small and clearly mark the folder. That would help the people who don't like it if you want to continue.


I very much enjoy the explicit content, and seeing that in Part 4 of this Bagel and Soda set was an absolute treat. However, I would like agree with people who have mentioned above that it'd be best to do it when it's something you feel like and want to do. Explicit content just to be explicit kinda loses it's meaning, but when it's built up and given context, like this Debt series, it's very much rewarding.


1) I always love seeing stuff from the Bagelverse! Though I normally shy away from the more explicit stuff, your explicit works are never super gratuitous, so I can still enjoy them. That said, as someone else mentioned, I much prefer when it's consensual, so if you're going to include explicit stuff in the future comic, I hope you decide on that route. But, it's your art and your characters, so I'll still happily support whatever you choose! 2) This Bagel Debt mini-series has been great so far, and I'm looking forward to the conclusion! 3) You're so close to the end of this mini-series; might as well finish it off!


I see no problem with the explicit content and actually welcome it, nothing wrong with that as well as some uncut kinky stuff as well. Just keep doing your thing and having a ball while you do it is all I can say ^^.


I think explicit versions are great and should always be included if you desire! Just maybe not the main version for people who aren't into that thing. I get it's not for everyone but maybe just 1 extra variation that is explicit regardless of your decision since its your art. I love it all and will continue to support


I really like it so far^^ maybe the d*ick in the 4th pic kinda killed it for me since i'm not into seeing them but i'm looking forward to seeing more^^


Nah, I getcha! It's not to everyone's taste, though I am planning on making explicit scenes a bit of a rare occurance


I actually think the comic is incredible! Love all the little scenarios bagel and soda are in. Most explicit stuff would be fine to me, as long as it involves some kind of bondage, but I can't speak on other people's behalf. Also, I believe in creative freedom from the artist, allowing them to be the "director" of the creation more. Very excited for all the work you'll put out in the future! The next page would be exciting to see. 💕


Wel all love your OC work and its clear you love it too so keep going xxx


I like long format, what you do, and I don’t mind explicit. Excited to see you grow


Do both


Whichever one you choose to finish first both are great


→Comic: I enjoy the comic! I Getting to know your OCs better is a nice experience! →Explicit: While I like explicit works when the setting is fitting, from reading the other comments I think they should be separated from the main posts. E.g. a different patreon creator has two same cost tiers, but once includes "opt-in" content. →Project: As for the comic project in general, I also enjoy it. Reading through the community participation under each post was fun! →Future: Again, new patreon, soo I dont think my vote matters here a lot, but I think finishing the comic first, would be the better choice - then you have a mental fresh start for the next drawing.


With or without the explicit content, the comic was even better than I could have expected. I'd love to see more long form and Bagel+Soda content.

Random User

The occasional comic is fun and the explicit content made the 7 bucks worth it. Cant wait for the next set even if less explicit


I think the comic is great but also I don’t think it should be the main way you produce content. Part of why I love your patreon content is because of the high variety of characters you put out so even if I don’t like a character then I know you’ll do a different one soon. While I love Bagel and Soda, I wouldn’t want everything to be comics because then there might be weeks or a month where I’m not super interested in the content if it’s not a character I like. I’m not sure if this is the type of feedback you were looking for but I hope it helps!


As an additional thought, not sure how well it would work for comics, but maybe explicit stuff could be a special type of picture variant that can have its own folder or if you plan on doing explicit stuff more often its own Patreon tier. It might also be good to specify what the explicit content is (penis, vagina, penetrative sex, non-consensual fantasy, etc...)


Anytime bagel is involved the art is stellar, so I’d be more than happy to see Bagel/Soda/Pom-Pom comics/Doujins.


I'm loving the comic tbh, bondage & DiD themed comics is one of my weaknesses and Bagel is always great Personally I prefer the bondag over the explicit stuff but having both works just fine for me too As for what you do next, its up to youuu


I dunno. Part of me enjoys the comic, and part of me feels upset, because when i think of myself or someone i know having to go through a similar scenario... Yikes. I am a strong supporter of consensual bondage. To break it down more, i don't think people like being hurt, and so if i see someone or something being hurt, physically or mentally/ emotionally, i tend to have a negative outlook towards the medium that presented whatever scenario. Which makes me face a moral dilemma, because i like your art, and i find it intriguing when characters are put into harsh environments, but it is tough to get behind these kinds of comics; thus my hypocrisy. I have had an interesting time while writing this post. Kinda like i cemented my opinions by expressing them. Overall, I enjoy your art. Thank you.


I don't exactly agree with the first paragraph, because there are indeed people who do reflect themselves in such a scenario, which ultimatelly is less about what is moral and more about what is sexually connected to their experiences. Doesn't necessarily reflect how a person feels about these particular issues happening irl, because there's a stark difference between fiction and reality in this case. However, it is very difficult to blur the lines between non-con and consensual bondage in terms of DiD, kidnapping and etc, even though they seem to be on the lighter end. As for the comic, both Bagel and Soda are into it, although Bagel is shown to be the most stubborn to reveal her inner desires. Regardless, more of this will be touched upon in the epilogue :) Nevertheless, I appreciate your opinion, I'm glad to see how morality and ethics come into play!


I dont mind more explicit stuff and this project has been great. Im a sucker for serialized content As for the 3rd question. Well im a patient person take your time and dont get burned out or injured. I’ll be fine seeing whatever whenever


Personally I've enjoyed it but part of me finds it lacking, don't get me wrong the art is amazing but I find of story telling a bit lacking as there are many things that would of happened in between each page of what you presented. Seeing some dialog and more events in between would be a massive improvement, this might be something you as a single individual might not be able to accomplish without the art quality taking a hit, which I suspect could possibly cause dissatisfaction and burn out for you. As for explicit I don't mind I like what you draw and if you want to experiment go for it and see where your mind takes you and most importantly take your time, I don't think anyone wants to see you having a breakdown over the pressure of delivery.


Oh yeah! I the story is rather short and have no clear structures other than Bagel and Soda suddenly being tied up. The idea was an attempt at making a short comic with the purpose of allowing myself to experience the production of it for the future. So there's "script" or "storyboard" so to speak :)


One thing that occurred to me with regards to the explicit stuff is that perhaps using sex toy substitutes would help more people enjoy it. I don’t think I’ve seen any complaints about the dildo gags so maybe replacing actual dicks with dildos, or etc, would make it enjoyable for people who want to see oral or penetration as well as for people who don’t want to see “real” genitals


Nice to hear you put that much thought into it, keep up the great work :)