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Let's get down to business! Vote for the character you wish to see in the next poll pic!

  • Only one character per franchise
  • Previous winners have a cooldown period of a year
  • Said franchise the characters from has a cooldown period of two months.
  • I will not add a character which I do not feel comfortable drawing.
  • Characters with the least votes will be included in the Loser's chance poll
  • A character that has already won will have a longer cooldown period if they win a poll again.

$10 pledgers can vote for two different characters by commenting the two characters in the comment section



Dont fail me and Emmy Samus for the win


My other two choices are Akeno and DMG (Dark Magician Girl)


Sae nijima have mine


That would be the fourth samus pic.😍. I didn't expect ranni to be so popular.


It would be the third picture. I thought it was the fourth. I must have mixed something up.


If Samua wins, This is the 3rd time she will be drawn by you. Maybe a different outfit and some maledom to spins things up


Sae Niijima and Wiz


Ranni and Akeno

Peter Sohn

Kallen and wiz for my other votes


Nessa and Ranni for my other votes. I hope I'm not too late