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One of the most popular poll characters having appeared in almost majority of the polls, but the time is finally here for our classic anime girl in a straitjacket to take the spotlight!


- Poses and angles (Hogties, frogties. hopping, suspension and etc)
- Setting (Where and how did they get themselves into this mess?)
- Gags (Ballgags, OTM, OTN and etc)
- Accessories (Vibes, clamps and etc)
- Dialogues (If you have an idea for a good script, I'll use it!)
- Misc (Anything else you have in mind!)

I'm gonna try and finish Kuki Shinobu, got some tweaking to do!


Iriga Avo

What do you mean how she got herself in that mess? She was always in that mess 😅

Iriga Avo

The dialogue could have to where someone mentions about her apparently being poisonous.


Would love to see her suspended upside down in her straitjacket


Honestly that straight jacket with the gag she had wearing on the anime with a few modifications here and there


Upside down suspension in her straitjacket


Either she is being punished by Lelouch or has been captured by Suzaku or also captured alongside Kallen in a double bondage. Instead of the typical straitjacket bondage, how about some belt bondage for a change. Outfits could be her white R2 outfit she wore at R2 EP 22 or one of those fanart bunny suits for the babel tower. Setting could be in a prison cell or being transported by Suzaku. For Lelouch, it would have to be in the bedroom. Gags include ball gag(dildo gag), Bit Gag, harness gag, and if you’re doing the straitjacket bondage, the standard mask gag placed alongside the straitjacket. Accessories could be a wand vibration or the standard rotor vibes. Dialogues could be Lelouch punishing C.C. For eating too much Pizza or Suzaku informing the empire of capturing C.C. and taking extra precautions in her restraints. For Lelouch, Her pose should be laying on his lap being spanked by him. For Suzaku, either hogtied in the prison cell or being transported to the prison cell doing the slave chain pull walk. If you’re doing a double bondage with Kallen, do both of them in bunny suits for the babel tower scene similar to the Asuna and Karin pic where they are being groped by the men, like Magnolia’s take. If it is possible, could you do 3 page comic treatment like the Yoko pic and the Simon pic. There is so much potential for this character treatment. First page being the capture, second being the gagging and restraining , and final the pose. That’s what I got.


Please include something with a bunny suit or pizza. CC packed in a huge pizza box would probably be a nonsensical suggestion. Otherwise, combine straitjacket + bunny suit.


I love the pictures of impostors, cc tied up by cc


To said the ture seen her too many time in straight jacket so how about shibari plus topless nipple Vibe


How about a vacuum-tight leotard version of her restraint suit with her arms in reverse prayer and shibari-style thin straps binding her breasts and crotch with extreme tightness. A few remotes on her thighs let us know how many buzzies are stuffed inside her as she can only blush and moan.


use her season 2 dress and is she hopping on treadmill with a pizza slice hanging in front of her


I have an interesting idea frogtie with belts and some sort of a otm gag