Bonus Pic #2: Riamu Yumemi (35 variants) (Patreon)
It seems Riamu has quite the hobby besides being on stage, however, it seems that she's in quite the pickle after her latest attempt! After months of practicing, she attempts a risky pose using both ropes and tape! She manages to tie herself thoroughly and was even able to crush her arms in an elbow tie, now the questions it, will she be able to undo it? Having practiced for quite a while now, she's confident she'll get out. However, this doesn't seem to be the case, she finds herself struggling intensly but to no avail., The knots are imply out of reach! She then realized that she had her handy scissor for just this sort of occasion, but realized that she had forgotten to put it on the bed, thus forcing her to crawl out of the bed. Much to her clumpsiness, she falls from the bed, dragging her blanket with her and hitting her head on the bed frame. Finding herself disoriented after the fall, she attempts to grab the scissors with her legs, which proves to be quite the challenge. Darn it, she utters. Had it not been for her stockings, grabbing the scissors would've been a cakewalk! As soon as she manages to grab the scissors, the vibes she tucked in between her legs start to send stronger vibes, which causes her to lose focus. With every vibe feeling like a shockwave of pleasure, she finds herself lost in thought and drops them! Finding herself in quite the predicament, the phone starts buzzing! It must be the producer, hopefully they can untie her... thinking about the situation, she can't let the producer know or he'll know about her hobby, but it doesn't matter anymore, the only thing she's thinking about is for a way to get out. Suddenly, the buzzing stops and she realizes that she missed the call. Having spent all of her energy, she loses focus and finds herself sinking in to the vibrations until she finally reaches climax! Knowing that this isn't the end, Riamu can only hope that the batteries run out soon.
Excuse my terrible writing skills, hehe. Anyways, that was fast, seems like my productivity skills have leveled up as of late! I've been a bit more interested in self-bondage as of recent, but I have to say, I do enjoy a failed attempt at it. Idk, the possibilities are endless and the scenarios vary greatly, so it always excites me to see what sort of outcomes self-bondage has. I should definitely try to do something with Bagel, Soda, Pom Pom and Paprika, hehe. SPEAKING OF, Bagel is the poll winner for this month, which means that we're finally seeing more of her! $10 pledgers can stay tune for the bondage set-up post!