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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I've been hitting some artblocks, but managed to get by now! Thank you all for your patience!

I can't exactly say that the character or dialogue is exactly 100% true to the character and world of One Pieace, but I tried my absolute best to get it to be as faithful as possible!

And once against, thanks to Rebake for letting me use one of his mummification designs <3




Oh gosh, my sense of direction is lousy today, I need some zzz


Love this so much, Nami looks incredibly pretty here and Rebake’s mummification suit looks so great in your style, wouldn’t mind seeing you tie up more characters that way~


Great work! Would you ever consider adding a ball gag topless version? Been wanting to see Nami in your art style forever.


If you check the second wip maxi weber asked the same thing. At the time was told it was possible but would be a large edit. Plus as much as I would also like to see other gags I can also see them looking out of place in this comic. Sorry to add my two cents lol.


Great work as always cant wait to see the next one.


Lovely work 😍


You know, I have to agree with the mimic. It was rather rude of Nami to just go rummaging through someone else’s things. Such a fine work of art bagel.

Takumi Fujiwara

Rebake+Bagelbomb is like a match made in heaven 😍


Wonderful job done here. Nami definitely had this coming!

Iriga Avo

I didn’t get a notification for this somehow.


Such beautiful work, would be a cherry on top if there's a topless or a wrap gagged version, because that's what it looks like it would do