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Makima got caught! Seems like someone wants to get revenge and they made sure the ropes were extra tight so she wouldnt have it easy to escape hehe, I wonder if there's any clue that could give away the culprit ;)

Anyways! Thanks for the support! It is nice to make exclusive art for you all! I'll try my best to sneak in more often if you guys like my content ://)




Ugh she's stunning 😍 thank you~!


Great piece, big fan of the chain pulling her braid back, fitting for someone like her~ Love your stuff Paprika! I think most of us would def love to see your stuff here more!


Jeez whoever captured Makima must have been really POWERful to have tied her up that tight! Love this piece lol and it’d me great to see more stuff from you Paprika!


This is actually the 1st I've seen Makima in bondage and I couldn't have asked for anything better than this 🤤 I REALLY hope u draw more of her in the future or even make a short comic like the Nami one

Andrew Blount

I love it! So cute tied up, collared, and gagged X3


Just in time for Chainsaws Guy!