Updates! (regarding my minor absence) (Patreon)
Hey everyone! It's been quite awhile since I made an update, and I don't wish to leave any of you guys hanging, especially by my short-term absence.
Nevertheless, I was hit severely by the season flu and couldn't get myself to work without feeling naseous and so I had to take the time off to recover. I would've alerted you guys initially to let you all know about it, but had to abstain until I could recover a bit. However, I'm glad to let you all know that I'm finally able to go back to work albeit at a slower rate until I can fully recover. I do wish to apologize due to lack of polls as a result of my inactivity.
I have also been meaning to let you know that due to the lack of activity that some of you have noticed over these few months, I might pause the billing if I'm not able to provide for the next month as I believe that you all deserve to have the content you sought for when you all intially pledged. I still appreciate all of you who remain at the very end, but it is only fair.
The Tomo-chan pic is still coming by, and a sketch should be up either today or tomorrow.
Thank you all for having such patience with me!