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Hey everyone! It's been quite awhile since I made an update, and I don't wish to leave any of you guys hanging, especially by my short-term absence. 

Nevertheless, I was hit severely by the season flu and couldn't get myself to work without feeling naseous and so I had to take the time off to recover. I would've alerted you guys initially to let you all know about it, but had to abstain until I could recover a bit. However, I'm glad to let you all know that I'm finally able to go back to work albeit at a slower rate until I can fully recover. I do wish to apologize due to lack of polls as a result of my inactivity.

I have also been meaning to let you know that due to the lack of activity that some of you have noticed over these few months, I might pause the billing if I'm not able to provide for the next month as I believe that you all deserve to have the content you sought for when you all intially pledged. I still appreciate all of you who remain at the very end, but it is only fair. 

The Tomo-chan pic is still coming by, and a sketch should be up either today or tomorrow.

Thank you all for having such patience with me! 




No rush, Bagel! The important it's than you'll feel alright. And the waiting it worth with your quality <3

Iriga Avo

It’s all cool. Tbh, I didn’t even notice how long it’s been. I was too busy playing Fire Emblem Engage. Speaking of which, you probably wanna catch a character from that game am I right?


No worries Bagel! Take all the time you need to recover 👍


Recently got Covid myself. Not fun by any means so I totally understand! Finally got the bondage Mona body pillow which was awesome! I can’t remember have you don’t shenhe in any of your art?


No worries keep up the awesome work

Jason Hong

Take your time to recover.


Take whatever time you need BB


No worries at all. You are actually the creator that updates the most out of all the artists that I follow. Definitely one of the most worthy.


Yeah the flu is kicking a lot of people's butts this season. Glad you're feeling better! Take as much time as you need to recover, and no worries about the delays. Your health always comes first. :)


What does absence mean? I can only see that the last few months you have brought out very good pictures where you can be proud of. And if you are still exhausted, recover first.

Jack Z

You can take your time, the flu sucks definitely but your recovery is always more important, I don’t mind the delay as long as you’re getting better