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The next part of the BAD END series, this time featuring Ahri! The idea was conceived by me and a friend who was kind enough to provide enough detail for a good story!

Dialogue is still being thought of however, the general idea is that she lost against her opponent and is subsequently captured! Her powers sealed as she is packaged and carried away!

$10 pledgers can suggest a 3rd page if they so wish! Provide the details and we'll see if I'll incorporate it!



Iriga Avo

Lookin forward to this


Love the suitcase bondage lol, much more fun to be carried around like that


3rd page could she's put into a box or a barrel of some sort. Some confinement perhaps


Super hot, especially how her mouth was already stuffed THEN filled with a dildo gag? And being carried as luggage is always super hot hehe 👌


For a 3rd page I'd say have her tied up as some kinda trophy on display.


Maybe something with a dark ritual, sealing, spirits, talisman.... She could be tied to a shrine as an art protection deity. I don't know much about LoL.Few examples: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/47392341 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99228792 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81438917 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91787092


Her being forced to hop would be great for a third page! Also if you’re talking alt suggestions too, alts where the seals are used for X pasties would look super cute on her

Zyrokiss Arts

I would like to propose my original idea again, where Ahri has been captured by hunters that were hired by Evelynn the succubus. The various runes that are sealing her magic don’t seal all of it, but it leaves her magical pheromones still coming off of her body. Eveylnn brings Ahri to her pleasure cult to lure in victims, as she finds that they are more euphoric with Ahri’s gentler magic. The final panel could be Ahri bound in the middle of a bunch of cult members, with Evelynn’s hand grabbing her Jaw. My original idea would be to have her bent over an alter, with a butt panel obviously.


ideal fox handling

si señor

In the lore Ahri is from a land called Ionia and a nearby territory called Noxus is constantly at war with ionians. Perhaps ahri could've been captured by a noxian and then brought back to the capital to be shown off as a trophy, publicly humiliated. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105875051 She could be in this position while she's being vibed and fucked by a dildo. Maybe if you're ambitious she could even been sucking cock at the same time. Whatever option wins, please put some very painful nipple clamps on her and another butt panel if you can

Su Yazzi

I love the way her tail is tied, that's amazing!

si señor

another butt panel?