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Hey guys! Took a bit of a break these two days, but here's what I'm planning on doing for this month! Not only do you get to have one BAD END comic this month, but TWO!

- BAD END [Neijiri Hado - BNHA]
- Cammy [Steet Fighter 6]
- Poll Winner [Stay tune]
- BAD END [Yor Forger]

Thank you all for your patience! Let's round this year up!


Momo Trotro

Exciting plans, looking forward to it^^


Oooh. Great picks


Ooh Nejiro AND Yor for bad ends?! Super hyped!


Dayum bagel, you spoil us Just be careful not to burn yourself out k?


Dang you're spoiling us!


Ooo excited to see what you cook up for yor in the bad end comic! 👀


2! Bad endings and one of them is yor 👀 Woah I’m looking forward to this


Yor??? Oh this is the best timeline

Takumi Fujiwara

Is the Stella vermillion ending still happening??


This is a pretty full schedule as is, but could you at least say whether or not the Helltaker drawing from a couple years back or the Pom Pom story with the bunny suit that currently only has 1 part out going to get finished at some point? Doesn't have to be in this month, of course


The Helltaker one was scrapped at the end and won't be done, because I lost interest in it. The Pom Pom one I haven't touched cause I had stuff to do, it's a very tiny thing I did for fun. I'll get back to it when I feel like it.

SuperB (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 14:14:34 Your bad end comics are so good! Excited to see them
2023-12-06 01:11:52 Your bad end comics are so good! Excited to see them

Your bad end comics are so good! Excited to see them

Very happy that my suggestion on Twitter was accepted I'm really looking forward to Yor's BAN END╰(*°▽°*)╯