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Hey guys! Taking a slight break before I move onto drawing Cammy and then eventually Yor Forger for the next addition of the BAD END-series! So before I do that, I'd like to sit and hear what you guys think about these recent additions to the mini-series!

  • What would you like to see me do in the future?
  • Do you feel satisfied with the recent additions of the miniseries?
  • Is there any thing you think that I could do to improve the BAD END series?
  • Any other question related to the BAD END series? Ask below!



Take your time! These bad end series have been a real treat!

Hyrule Hedgehog

Well I think they’re fantastic as they are now


Really love bad end series so far. I feep for the Nado abd end she should have been put in heavier restraints or device given shes super powered. Id love to see more video game damsels too with a Game Over theme :).


This probably won’t be very helpful, but I honestly have no complaints about the BAD END series done so far. I remember the Mirko BAD END had hopping, so it’d be nice to see some more hopping/walking in bondage I guess


I’m pretty satisfied, but something nice to add would be another character, not a faceless extra, playing with the captured heroine


I love them, and if you are comfortable with it, I would love more explicit variants.


I love the Bad-End comic series. They might take a lot of effort compared to standard variants pictures, but I think they are better and worth it. It shows how great the characters are as damsels in distress with dialogue and quips and shows that a great plot can be lewd as hell. For improvements, try more explicit content every now and then with Maledom. Maybe some characters you have done in the past can be revamped into the Bad-End series.

Lincoln Time

Could there be more clothed variants of the bad end series, too? While the explicit ones that have been done are hot, there is just something about clothed ladies in your style of tight bondage that I find more attractive and enjoyable. (PS. Scenarios where the character in bondage is being walked, carried, or transported are also really enjoyable)


I'm just gonna say it; as long as ur comfortable with it, I would totally be down for you to take it further with explicitness if u get my drift. Sure maybe its not everyone's cup of tea, but I think there r lots of ppl who'd agree with me, and those who don't do not have to opt in to that content 😏

Viewer 101

It would be nice to see the heroines get wedgied by their captors too.


Honestly? This but touhou lol

Sakura Bunny

I think they are really nice! Maybe we should suggest a bit more kind of characters, I mean no the same as always, it would be nice to see silver wolf, or other games and anime characters, but the drawings and comics definitely are awesome and exciting


Ive been really enjoying the BAD ENDS. I enjoy the variety of humiliation and bondage. Only thing, and is also just a comment in general, is more bondage furniture (pillory, crosses [x and t shapes], metal restraints, horses).


I like them, it’s nice to see that not every battle ends in a ‘perfect victory’. I would only wish that they would be maybe a page longer, so we could see more bondage and struggling befall the poor damsels during that comic. That, and to stay away for gore, scat, and killings/death results (not something I would be a fan of). Other than that, can’t really


I think they are really solid overall. I would prefer some “Damsel in distress” scenarios. Like for example, yor is captured and thrown into some peril bondage. So she has to escape with her life on the line. Exciting stuff like that. But overall, have been really enjoying the series! ❤️


The BAD ENDS give a great chance to show off the character being tied up, so it feels more lively! I like having a story alongside the picture + variants. If you had to cater specifically to me, the scenarios would include more yuri. I'm a woman enjoyer, simple as.


1. Maybe a samus bad end story after she was sold.(since she already has several pictures why not a bad end series?) Maybe a bad end with a failed escape attempt, sacrophagous bandage bondage, blackmail or , travel case/trunk kidnapping other themes. How about a bad end for a villainess where she end up tied? :) 2. The bad end series is a very good format. Please keep it up. 3. Versions of the pages without text bubbles. Maybe some kind of bad end series in bagelverse that goes on in between.

Momo Trotro

I love the miniseries you do, be they bad ends or no, so keep it up^^ I think a neat thing would be to have a vote every now and then for the bad ends, say you give us three or four characters you wanna draw and we vote on them etc.


The only real complaint I have is to maybe show off how damsel’s tied up (not the process, but like more POVs of their booba, bootie, etc). Other than that, they’re awesome and a good dark twist on your work 😈


Hell yeah they are great. Would love some outside selftie playgrond or something like that ;)


Maybe if the damsel and the kidnapper had a more affectionate scene, like if he pat her head after she’s all tied up.

This is a great series I have a greater fondness for the art of adding stories than for more variations. This makes your art more alive


I very much enjoy the BAD END series, and one thing I've always thought would be really good to see with these is an "After Credits" kind of scene. Like one page or so showing where they end up, how they're being used, etc... that kind of thing. Really kinda makes it stick that it really was the end for them.


I think the series has been some of your best work! Your creativity is great, so as long as you enjoy making it, by all means keep them coming!


So far I really like the series, watching the different heroines in bondage scenarios is pretty good, if anything i would like to see the far aftermath, we get the capture, the breaking but miss the falling if it makes sense don't know how you pick them if by chance or inspiration but keep up the good work mate! they all are great!


Seconding baker678, some yuri/femdom bad ends would be nice! I’ve enjoyed what you’ve done so far, tho!

天越 黃

Though I like the series, I hope we can still see tons of variations!

Ps. If you still don’t know who the protagonist of BAD END after Yor is, do you still remember Lycoris’ Chisato & Takina?


I wonder if you'd be interested in doing art for girls in the Tekken series. I'd be interested what you'd be able to do with Lili in particular for this series


I love them!


tales of series would be nice to see

Jon Murphy

The only thing I could ask for is maybe one more extra drawing of the dildo gag put in. And maybe an x-ray of it too❤️ but love all that your doing and you’re amazing🥰

Frog Tits

I love the series, I particularly love to see how the ladies are stored in bondage when they’re not being used. It must be such a mindfuck to be bound and gagged, even toyed while you’re just waiting for what your captor has planned. The phrase “your new life” is so wild, I love it.


I think your Bad End series is very tastefully done. While bad ends aren't normally my cup of tea, I actually really like your series. I like that, while the situation is always dire, you aren't overly brutal with your scenarios (no death, no gore, nothing overly explicit, etc.). Plus you always choose such top-tier damsels. :) While I'm not sure what to suggest for improvements, a possible fun twist on the formula could be a bad end for a villainess character instead of a heroine. Like, an evil damsel is facing justice or punishment for her wrongdoings.


The Band end Series has been fun to see. Have you considered releasing versions without the dialogue as well?


The Bad End / Mind Control stuff you've been putting out is god tier and I cannot put in words how desperately I want more

Sami Samara (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-09 03:28:33 I LOVE the mini series. It’s a huge reason why I subscribed to your patreon! Hope this becomes a consistent thing!
2023-12-27 04:44:04 I LOVE the mini series. It’s a huge reason why I subscribed to your patreon! Hope this becomes a consistent thing!

I LOVE the mini series. It’s a huge reason why I subscribed to your patreon! Hope this becomes a consistent thing!