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And there you have it! This has probably been the most fun attempt at a lengthy colored comic! And it all paid off! This is probably my most explicit work so far, given that I've been a bit wary about showing anything remotely hardcore! But this was definitely the most fun I had so far!

Stay tuned for the next character poll and the BAD END poll! 

Thank you all for your suggestions! 






Really exceptional work, bravo!


This bad ending is really awesome! Is there a version without text?


I can't tell you how much I love your BAD END series. Been $7 subscriber for a long time and now finally upgraded to $10 to show my support. Now I'm always looking forward to your work ever since you started bad end series. Yor's BAD END is my favorite so far, especially the bondage in auction scene, absolutely beautiful. Follow up with the explicit part is just perfection. Thank you Bagel!