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There we go! compiled and done! My first experiment with Soda and Bagel. A lil mishap in a dungeon raid leads to both of them having their roles completely changed! Who knows if they'll get ever escape or get used to their new life!

Thank you all for your suggestions! This was a lot of fun to work with, and I hope to make a similar comic next time involving Soda and Bagel, and hopefully with more pages!  

Soda is owned by ElridAlm




Definitely one of your best works. Fun story, and a ton of really good positions and different toys and predicaments. I’d totally buy a comic series centered around Bagel and Soda going on kinky adventures


Glad to see you are doing alright. I enjoyed this project very much.


This is AMAZING Bagel! I can’t wait for the next comic you do with Bagel and Soda 🙏

Sami Samara

Oooh I really like this one They’re both accepting their fate as slaves. Good stuff!

Iriga Avo

Not sure why but every time I try to get to the 4th page, it just never properly loads and just gets stuck like that as the exit button wouldn’t work. This could be an issue on the part of my own device so I’ll check back later.

Momo Trotro

This is super good!^^ I'm def excited to see what's next for Soda & Bagel^^

Su Yazzi

So glad to see Soda and Bagel in a bigger format - this is a long time coming!


Alls well that ends well Every page is great on its own right, i had high hopes and you delivered 👏


Definitiv one of the best bondage adventures of bagel. The pet play parts looking very amazing. All pages looking very good and deliver different tastes. Hopefully we will see both them in other kind of situations and outfits. What outfits btw do like at most, Bagel?


I love soda and bagel peril ❤️


Reminds me of the small office peril story, would love to see a continuation of that


Love the Soda and Bagel stories, keep up the good work mate