Tabby Sketches OCTOBER (Patreon)
I don't know If I ever mentioned it before, but I've created for myself the discipline of working at least one page of sketches per day, and I've stick to that for years now. As a result I have files that date back to more than 10 years ago and some others that I did waaay before that, like made in my notebooks in primary school... maybe?, (Those don't have a date so I can't really tell XD)
But as you would think, many of those sketches never reach any of my galleries because, they can be practice sessions, just expressions, poses, anything and others just look a bit off in their style. But I guess some might me found more interesting that the finished piece itself :O
I made this sketches with Tabby on it, because I wanted an expression of her, to run a poll about some element on her design, in which I'm gonna ask the opinion of the people, starting from you of course, and You'll get to see it eventually :)