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I have to admit that sometimes, I get a bit tired of working in the computer for long hours. But at the same time, I know I'm committed to keep improving and working in my craft.

Because of that, I tend to change the media in which I'm working at the moment, not the work itself. And this time I took the liberty of making a sketch session, moving forward with the design of Terrel's character "Tyler". 

This  is probably not the final version of the character outfit, but none the less, this would give me ideas to work with Terrel, about which elements he likes to preserve, add or remove from the design.

Another thing that I should learn to have in mind is that you actually like this type of updates XD 

As a practice regimen that I made for myself, I stated that I should make at least one page of sketches per day, let it be poses, anatomy, perspective, character expression, eyes, comic ideas, or drawing random things for fun. 

I just want you to know, that even when you think I'm not working, I'm actually doing it in one way or another :D

(I'm just not used to the fact that you would be interested to see some of those works :O)

I hope you like it, even though I think I'm a bit rusty when it comes to drawing athletic guys, I think I made a decent job XD



Terrel Coleman

It's a start. We'll get there.


I'll see if I get to show you some of the sketches that I made with him to practice :)