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Here's a comic that I already showed, and you probably don't even remember :P
I presented it in the October WIP #2, and I wanted to explore a different type of comic and characters, simplifying the design, and leave the humor to drive the  situation.

Originally, the comic was going to be more simple. It didn't even had the same number of panels. The main idea  was a nowadays kid ignoring a 90's "cool dude," making him realize how uncool and dated he was in today's standards. The shirt was going to have an inscription like "I'm a 90's kid" "90's are rad", or something similar. 

However, while I was doing it, I realized that the idea wouldn't be as clear as I wanted. As a result, I decided to stretch the "90's ness" of this dude, surrounding him with all I could think off that defined a cool guy in that time.

I sure wasn't a part of this trend, but I saw it a lot in movies, cartoons and all those reruns that had to with the 90's. Many of those elements stuck in my head permanently.

With the lingo, I had to do some research since I was looking for the most dated thing the 90's had to offer. I hope I didn't mess up the use of those phrases. Maybe some 90's cool dude would be able to tell me if I did XD

Anyways, I hope you liked it, and I'll see you in the next update! :)




God, I remember that shirt. Or at least those Eyes on them. It's weird how casually the current "cool kids" dress in cartoons these Days compared to the 90s. It's almost as if the writers actually met real people for once.


My older brother had a wallet with that design on it. It was all over the place back then XD I never owned one but I saw them. I also saw them in a Nostalgia critic review recently and I figured, "yeah that was so 90's so I decided to put it there XD" Those tropes were everywhere in TV and shows, I guess they wanted to be cool and hip without knowing what it meant. Appeal to a generation that they didn't quite understood