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I hope you find this piece interesting :)

While I was checking my old files earlier this year, I found a sketch of what it appears to be the first Tabby sketch I ever made.

Despite officially creating the character around 2010, I can't help but see the resemblance between Tabby and this unnamed character I made back in 2007. 

Based on this, I like to think that Tabby was there, waiting around the corner for her time to shine :D

I guess it's a good thing I keep this stuff around with specific dates and everything.


Even back then, I knew it could come in handy to keep my drawings for the future, in case any of my ideas were published and became successful. Maybe people would love to see their origins XD

Another interesting fact is that I wanted to settle Tabby's birthday in April, even before seeing the sketch (either 7th or 14th of April). I was pretty shocked to see that this drawing was made really close to those dates, so I think I'm gonna use that date because literally that might be the day she was born.

Be sure to tell me if you like seeing these old sketches. I'll see you in the next update :)




Honestly, this gives me a good idea. You should try to find as many of your older works and sketches as possible and see how you can improve on them with your current skills considering how much you have improved since then. :)

Terrel Coleman

She looks like if Link and Tabby had a baby. :) Very cute. And I'm surprised how good you were even back in 07. This was a nice little surprise to find I'm sure.


I had an idea with involved drawing the same picture once a year to see how different it could look trough time. I also have some sketches in which I tried that, let's say one from 2007 made in 2009. Back then I just dreamed about those being something. given the fact that I didn't even had the knowledge in any software or painting tool, so it could be nice to bring some of those childish dreams to life. I also had another idea in mind for January, but I'm gonna make a post to try to explain it :)


I think the concept for the character was: boy meets mystical elf girl (that explains the dress) well, I started practicing for fun back in 2005. So these looked better because I had two years of practice already. I should show you the first sketches I made, right when I decided to keep doing it. Those ones were made in notebook paper and they're not nearly as good xD