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Today, I wanted to show a trivial aspect in the way I work my art. Maybe you'll find it interesting, maybe you won't, but that's okay. 

What you see here is the scanner in which I digitized my works from 2009 to 2015.

I bought it in an afternoon of January of 2009. I wanted to have a way to transfer the sketches I made to my computer. 

Up until that point, I didn't have a good camera, and virtually no way to scan anything, so it became an essential piece of equipment in my ambition of improving my art.

If you have been around since my beginnings on Deviantart, you might be interested to know that my first artwork ever submitted there was actually just an scanned inked page of a comic. 

Later on, I took many of those scanned sketches and inked them with digital software. My first comics, some of my fan arts, and of course the Izanna girls,  all went through the same process. So, in a way, it's partially thanks to this device that I was able to start my digital art phase.

Sadly, around August of 2015, almost when I started my Patreon campaign, it started acting weird. The software didn't recognize the device whether the device was plugged in, all the lights went on and off, and it made loud noises as the scanner reader got stuck in place. 

I suppose that, like any other electronic device, its useful life came to an end. I think I don't expect more than that, everything has an expiration date,  and we had a good run :)

It also makes me wonder if would've been able to even start anything without it. I'd probably still be doing sketches on pen and paper just for my eyes to see them...



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