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I had a couple of ideas in regard of sketch submissions, and how should we treat them here.

I have the feeling that by a good number of circumstances, it might not be efficient to submit  rough sketches on patreon, but you can correct me if I'm wrong.

I was thinking that it could make the patreon feed hard to navigate for the constant updates. We can treat them differently, just  to keep the quality of art submitted to a certain standard, leaving the rough sketches as an optional view. 

My ideas:

  • A private Tumblr blog. It would require for you to have a Tumblr account, as well as a password provided by me. The good thing about this method is that I can change the password anytime in case it goes public, and I have the possibility of blocking users if necessary. Scroll down trough all of the sketches with mobile devices is possible by this method.
  • Keep them in Deviantart STASH, with an access to a folder in which they would be submitted, keeping them organized and at the same time optional for the viewer. The only downside is that STASH only gives you 2.0 GB to save your files, after that we would have to erase files to make  room. It doesn't requires a DA account, just the link with the files and a web browser, convenient, but gives easy access to anonymous users with the folder url link.
  • Make a rar file pack per month so you can download them if you want to see them.
  • We can also consider sharing just the best sketch of the week. leaving the other ones fade into obscurity 
  • Just take digital sketches in consideration.
  • Keep it simple and leave them here as usual.

I'm still not sure if it would be as inconvenient as I imagine it to be, so let me know what you think it would work better for you.



I prefer it as it already is.


Nice to know. I'm gonna share more of those now that I have the scanner back :)