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It's been a LOOONG time since my last bikini pin-up in the gallery, so I hope I'm not too rusty at them XD

I decided to tag this with a mature filter despise not being nearly as explicit as it should be. I opted to include a mildly suggestive theme in there, just in case somebody didn't want to see it. Let me know what you think about it.

Commissioned by Coleslayer. Iva and Cassandra are characters originally created by him, and recently redesigned by me.


a day at the beach by linkerluis-d9oxbsh



Looks pretty sweet. Your skills in anatomy has really improved since the last beach image. Well done. Also, that elf has quite the hips.


Yeah, I wanted to make her proportions as curvy as I could without making it look silly or weird. I think it's a nice practice to visualize the figure without too many accessories over it :)

Terrel Coleman

Fantastic. :) Now, we wait, and we see how DA feels about pics like this. (crosses fingers)