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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jse0yrbsiegnuazbakgk6/Superman-Lois-S04E04-A-Perfectly-Good-Wedding-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=1adklis0h35ct1krd6bnpl92g&st=dsfhtqn5&dl=0


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Just James

Jordan always looks like he smells like wet dog, it’s his hair, sorry Shan. How tall is Sophie now?! I swear she could have been an extra in Willy wonkas chocolate factory now she’s 6 foot summit. Hey Blink 182 at a wedding? Fine by me.

Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, with only 10 episodes this season, it was certainly a choice to make one centered around Kyle and Chrissy, show a wedding, only to have them not get married but still stay together. They could have just showed them agreeing to call off the wedding and move in together and it would have taken 5 minutes of screen time. But I did like the Clark and John parts of the episode. I am glad they didn't drag out his return throughout the episode. They gave the audience what they wanted right away, he came back. We even got to see him in the Superman suit. I don't want this show to end. But I am excited to see how they wrap it up.


Ok, so this episode was pretty fucking meh and rates about a 10.0 on my This-sucks'o-meter They spent 1 minute on Clark coming back and it was once again a prime example of how Arrowverse writers like to make up their own shit instead of following the lore from the comics ...And yes... Following the lore IS. important ...For ONCE. it'd be cool to ACTUALLY. see things be done properly INSTEAD. of some writer putting her/his/their own spin on things To say I was disappointed would be an understatement ...This was without a doubt in my opinion the lamest way for Supes to come back to life depicted in live-action ...It SUCKED. ...It was WORSE. that Supes coming back in the Joss Whedon version of Justice League Mah dude shows up wearing a tuxedo!? ...Ehm... Clark.. Where did you get that tux from my guy? Did you have one stashed at the fortress?? And if so... Why? Oh by the way ...The fuck was up with the sound when he showed up?? Bish ...I've lived MOST. of my life within short distance of an airforce base ...I think it's a safe bet that Clark isn't a fighter jet ...So why did he sound like one on his approach?! That was the clear sound of an afterburner before he made his landing Anyways ...Then we get like a couple of seconds of slomo shots of the entire Kent family being happy before we dive into the rest of this clusterfuck of an episode That's right... Basically the rest of the episode (all 40something minutes of it) heavily focussed on the rushed as FUCK. wedding/no wedding of Kyle and Beppo or whatever the fuck her name is (I'll get it right later...... Chrissy ...That's it ...Whatever) ...AS. IF. anyone wanted this! We spoke about this shit in voice after but I'mma just put it out here cause holy shit what the fuck was all that?! As I said... I can GET. that Chrissy would ask Lois to be her maid of honor given that she JUST. lost the venue and Lois offered to host the wedding in the barn ....It's a clear moment of saying "Thank you for saving my wedding" kinda thing ...I GET. IT. and it was nice of Lois to offer (Sorta nice ....No worries ..We'll get there) But Kyle asking Clark to be his best man?? Dude?? ...Don't you have any friends?? This mothertrucker spent most of the show being a dick towards Clark but now he's all of a sudden trying to be best buds?? ....Does it have something to do with the fact he knows Clark is Superman?? Did you see how he was bragging how Clark was his "Super-Best Man"?? ....YIKES ...If I was Clark I'd be seriously uncomfortable by Kyle's all of a sudden change in behaviour And then there's Chrissy stressing out over the wedding ...I mean ...Yeah pretty fucking obvious you'd be stressed out about the wedding if you'd leave all this shit until last minute The mum (Who I'm pretty sure was a "MAYBE" on whether or not she'd show up at the wedding) provided the wedding dress?!? ....Eeeeehmmm.. Pretty fucking sure that a wedding dress is essential to getting married Chrissy! ...How were you gonna solve that shit if your mum hadn't shown up or didn't WANT. to attend the wedding? Oh by the way ...The wedding was going to held in a barn ...I don't know if you heard me ...A barn ...That's like ...Where chickens and cows live ...I don't know about you but I'm not exactly feeling that as the best location for a wedding ...It probably SMELLS. in there ..Yeah I capitalized the entire word "smell" ...Imagine it! Maybe you can't coming from the suburbs of a big city ...But I've lived in a small town much like Smallville and lemme tell you ...A barn? ...Not my top choice for a wedding location Oh and let's also not forget about the fact they're partying on top of a storm shelter that houses an alien ship ...What if the weight of all these people were to collapse the ceiling of that place? ...I dunno about Clark ...But if this were me... That'd be a pretty big fucking NOPE. on my end if someone floated the idea past me to host it in the barn that housed my spaceship ...Well... I mean ...Just in case the pungent smell of cowshit didn't convince anyone ALSO. ...The diner scene?! .....The mum saying Chrissy and Sarah are basically the same age made me laugh out loud ....Eeeeehmmm... NO. THE FFFFFUUUUUCK THEY'RE NOT! ...Sarah is like what? 17 or something? .....Chrissy... Be real... This bish is AT. LEAST. in her mid-thirties ....For anyone who sucks at math and is too lazy to grab a hold of a calculator ...That's TWICE. Sarah's age! ...Chrissy's mum needs to pump the breaks on insulting her future son-in-laws daughter and for that matter insulting Kyle on basically saying he's a child predator by marrying Chrissy Oh you thought I was done?? ...Nah bish ..There's more Sophie makes a rare appearance!... And this bish has gotten MUCH. taller ...It's like she transformed into her final form or something ...Fairly fucking certain she wasn't THAT. tall last time we saw her but this time she saw her sister ...Smirked and went even further beyond and made Sarah look like the younger sister ...Good on Sophie I guess... Maybe they'll notice her now.. But holy shit that made me almost spit out my food And then there's also another thing ...Clark is back and he has a scar now? ...UGH. ...The fuck is this shit?? You're saying mah dude can fly... Is super-fast and ALL. that ...But for SOME. fucking reason his scar doesn't heal instantly??? Sorry but that DOESN'T make sense ...He's got ALL. his powers ...But a scar won't heal?? Get the fuck outta here with that shit I also HATE. the fact they're making him weak ...I DON'T like it! It's just dumb! What is this?? All to set it up that his sons will take up where he can't anymore?? ...Are we pulling a mirrored version of Black Lightning or something?? Instead of daughters taking up the mantle it's now the sons? Nope... Not done yet Jordan gives Jonathan his hand-me-down ugly ass suit ...Ok cool... Maybe Jordan might still get a proper suit before the end of the show? ...But ...Question ...Do Jordan and Jonathan look the EXACT. same size?? ....Pretty fucking sure they don't ...Someone call Cisco and give these boys some new digs.. STAT! Anyways that's all I can think of off the top of my head after having seen the episode a few days ago now ....I figured I'd just weigh in here just in case you wanted to have something to remember all the shit we ranted about ...Hopefully the next episode will be better Continue. /rant