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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pg2k95gdm3djyyqp6otet/Wizards-Beyond-Waverly-Place-S01E01-Everything-Is-Not-What-It-Seems-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=wxm0xlp8k0bqxl3m6likpaw9n&st=5mtjv3up&dl=0


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Danny Thomas

Please continue ! I binged it in one day and as someone who grew up watching the OG wizards I like this one and I think this is my favorite Disney channel reboot !! Definitely better than Ravens Home, imo.

Mike Simonton

ditto what danny said! saw that you reacted to this episode, and watched your reaction before your doctor reaction or the new agatha.

Kevin Bernard

This was just another "Raven's Home" episode! Same story where the kids don't know about magic/psychics until the kids find out, but think the parents don't know when the OG'S Justin/Raven think the kids don't know, so they keep it a secret from each other... That is really annoying... To be honest I didn't even watch Ravens Home because of that story they was going with after episode 1... Now it's the same here. How many episodes is it going to take everyone to get on the same page? 5 episodes? A whole season!? Nonetheless it was good to see Justin and Alex together again. Justin was always my favorite, and I thought Selena was hot (duh) but I don't think I'm going to continue this. I'm just too impatient when it comes to these storylines 😅 Good reaction though. That boy being a doll then back to a boy again was so poor! 😂 Disney you bought marvel you've could've done something better than that for the scene 🤣 Then the stick under the blanket Justin was bringing in as his wife! 😂💀👻 My goodness I'm eating this episode up, but hopefully it gets better for the viewers. David deserves better than a story that was already done from another show... ✌🏾


This does feel more childish, but it does still have its charm, and I love seeing some of the characters I love. I don’t like how Disney now focuses on younger age groups, but this was still decent. I would have preferred they did what Paramount did with iCarly and made an adult reboot for the original fans, but the actor for Justin wanted parents who grew up with the original to watch this with their kids to create a similar magical experience we had as kids. Also, Disney unfortunately is not brave enough to make adult reboots of Disney shows; they almost did with Lizzie McGuire, but Disney thought it was too adult and canceled it before they were finished filming. I would love you to continue watching. It feels like an easy 30-minute show just to chill and relax for a bit in between the heavier shows you watch. It’s not great, but it’s definitely an easy watch, and I think it’s worth it just to see these characters again.


Without spoiling anything i say you should just watch one more episode before you decide to quit.

Kevin Bernard

Alright. If you feel it gets better after this then why not? Thanks 👍🏾