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Kelly Marie

This is where i became a Haylijah shipper, their chemistry is just wow. And god elijah is just so amazing because he has all these calm and quiet mannerisms unlike klaus who is always angry and aggressive. Its the quiet ones you have to watch out for.


Werewolves cannot be compelled. Even by Originals.

Emma goldsbrough

The originals is far more better than the vampire diaries. I like up to season 3, 4 was okay in places but then I slowly when off the vampire diaries but with the orginals far better,

Tammy L. Faulkner

He knows shes a werewolf and he knows Klaus is a hybrid... He knows that werewolves CAN have kids. At least that is how I thought about this episods the first time I saw it.


Sophie Deveraux is clearly not as smart as Elena Gilbert. In season 2 of TVD, when Elijah promised Elena that he'd protect everyone she cared about, she knew right away that Elijah had phrased his promise carefully to not include her. Sophie wasn't so smart when she asked Elijah to promise that Klaus wouldn't kill Agnes. Elijah kept his promise, but I don't think Sophie got the outcome she was hoping for.


It's funny that Elijah is known as the honorable one because he's broken his word far more than he's kept it. He betrayed Elena and her friends on TVD too.

Fly on the Wall

Elijah was betrayed by Elena twice and the Salvatores at least three times before he rescinded his word BECAUSE Klaus promised to reunite him with his family. Elijah's motivated by the love of family beyond anything else.