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217 Buffyverse videos uploaded and blocked instantly, disputed and a few days later unblocked and posted.

217 videos that I did this with, no problems - it was like a ritual.

Until now...

Fox denied the disputes for 7x19 & 7x20 of Buffy and 4x20 of Angel.

They denied it...

Are you kidding me...

I am really sad.

I disputed the dispute to 7x19 though, this is where I'm risking a copyright strike, but it's just ridiculous. Pray for me.


Miss Timi Fantastico

Sorry dear. That’s so frustrating. Hoping for the best. <3

Ron Fehr

One prayer coming your way.

Timotey Kuhn

Oh for fuck's sake! Utterly stupid & petty of them. Here's hoping sanity will prevail.

Ryuichi Yasuda

prayyyyyyying! (>人<)

Clara V.

And to this day they still have not missed a single one of their opportunities to show it. It's almost cartoonish how awful they are...

Fly on the Wall

This might be the one upside to nearly being done with Buffyverse videos. I take it none of the CW shows (Supernatural, TVD, Arrow, etc) are giving you trouble?

Eric Haefele

This could be a long struggle. You might reach out to other reactors and to any copyright lawyers who might be in the combined reactor fan base. Reaction videos are a "relatively" new phenomenon. They depend on the original content of others. They may be stretching the concept of "fair use". At some point this will be decided in the courts. I for one believe that reaction videos are a unique form of entertainment and deserve some protection from the courts.


I looked into this awhile ago, and while "reaction" videos are new, the idea of doing reviews/commentaries/etc for content is not a new idea. In most countries, this has been settled law for decades. In America, there are 3 or 4 types of copyright infringement, and it is a little complicated. However, the basic thing is that if you add anything "significant", then it's fair use. That is, if there is a reasonable theory of why someone might watch your version instead of the original (other than cost), then it is not copyright infringement.

Emma goldsbrough

all that hard work. Hope it gets solve soon for you.

John Boehmer

Yep, it's total bullshit. And it makes no sense considering that Buffy and Angel are completely available for free all over the internet, some of the sites are even fully legal and legit.


Heavy sigh. Of course. At this point it wouldn't seem if they didn't. :(


When I was about to watch your latest 2 episodes of Buffy ('Empty Places' and 'Touched') and 1 Angel episode ('Sacrifice'), it was already blocked!! 🤬 Then I searched for it on your channel and it was no where to be found (only in my notification window did I find them but when I clicked, it was already too late and I could no longer see the videos. So I've decided I'm going to join Patreon 'cause to me, I needed to see your reaction to that 'kicking Buffy out of the house' scene in 'Empty Places' and the Spuffy moment in 'Touched.' There was no way I was gonna let this stupid copyright strike gonna stop me! lol But it totally sucks that they were all too quickly blocked on YouTube before I even got the chance to see it. Hopefully it won't happen again!

Ron Fehr

I guess that's part of the reason that I started watching her on patreon. Blocked videos suck!