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John Boehmer

What you need to remember about Barry is that while he may be very book-smart he can be kind of oblivious to what's going on around him. Also, he is not very good at making smart decisions.

Daniel French

Barry is very smart, but he doesn't always pay attention to the people and situations around him.

Emma goldsbrough

Great reaction. I can't believe your near the end of season 1 only feels like yesterday that you just started the show, can't wait for more.

Bria Bey

I was so glad they didn't catch Well in this episode because I love Wells as the Reverse Flash. He is definitely one of my favorites.

James MacDonald

How is any of this Eddie's fault? Iris is being totally unreasonable with him. I understand you want Barry and Iris to get together, but Eddie has done nothing wrong.

Walter Alcaraz

Thawne will always be smarter than Barry / The Flash. Not only does he have more education (book smarts), but his experiences, and all those hundreds of years of knowledge from time travel and being born in the far future. All that historical knowledge. He knows what The Flash has done or will do. Everything that Barry knows how to do as The Flash, Thawne has taught him. How to use his speed. How to get faster. How to phase. How to spin his arms to create a vacuum. He figured out how to defeat most of the villains they've faced so far. Thawne figured out on his own that Oliver Queen was the Arrow.


Detective Joe West ships his kids getting together. That doesn't sound awkward at all.

Scarlett Monrow

33:16 I still don't understand how Bates walked through the force-field. Anyone knows? I also feel that writers missed an opportunity to develop Eobart Thawne's character. He watched Barry grow up for 11 years, monitored his life and really got to know him. Then worked and mentored Barry as Flash. That should have affect ET actions and motivations, so maybe he would stop blindingly hate Barry and move on from his vendetta.

Bria Bey

because the force field was set up to only not allow speedsters in.