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I've seen a lot of people (even Blind Wave) get confused that Earth-X Oliver is the furher when I just thought it was to parallel how our Oliver is in a position of power himself as mayor only Earth-X Oliver decided to go higher on the food chain

James jackson

I would add that Overgirl mentioned that Earth X is a meritocracy (likely a twisted form in terms of priorities) and in typical nationalistic fashion leadership would fall upon the one who is strongest or most ruthless and capable of taking it.


We got 'previously on' here and didn't get one on Arrow 6x08, because Supergirl 3x08 and Arrow 6x08 aired on the same night, back to back. And this episode, along with Legends 3x08 aired on the next night)

Stefan suchy

Because of the use of the entire cast in other roles. Unfortunately, that's mostly the case. be it parallel worlds or the future. it is also always the same cities and places. that is the disadvantage that you are only a small TV show.

Luis Garcia

This episode had a previously because the third and fourth parts aired on a different day from the first two parts.

Ian Caudillo

I feel extra bad for Stein being there because like Felicity he is Jewish.

David Brown

It's always bothered me that here Thawne tells Felicity that he hated every minute of working at S.T.A.R. Labs. But in Legends' episode "Moonshot", he told Ray that he missed working with Caitlin and Cisco. Shan, Felicity is a natural brunette. She has mentioned before that she dyes her hair blonde. This is a nod to the fact that Felicity in the comics is brunette, yet they cast Emily who is blonde. Life in a Nazi camp wouldn't allow the luxury of dyeing one's hair, nor would anyone care. It's about survival. And Wentworth Miller (Snart/Captain Cold) actually is gay IRL.


I think that probably just solely has to do with despite being a shared universe, the shows have different writing teams. The "Moonshot" writer was a Flash writer then switched to Legends (her last credit on Flash was 3x22).