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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9sox9xfvqintf9p/The%20Flash%20S04E11%20-%20The%20Elongated%20Knight%20Rises%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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What do you not understand? Cisco not naming Dibny is the gag, it's pretty simple. And his first suit being a "blanket" is also a gag...... "Groovy" is Ash Williams' catchphrase from Evil Dead, but you probably wouldn't know. Big Sir does not look like Hulk Hogan, but he's played by Bill Goldberg, he's also a wrestler, maybe you saw him before. Maybe you saw him in a match against Hulk Hogan))) The girl at the end was writing using the same symbols that Barry was writing on the walls after he came out of the Speed Force in this season's premiere!

Luis Garcia

Poor Beebo, get melted with acid. It's one of the most disrespectful things I've seen.


Please remove as this contains spoilers to stuff she does intend to watch. Thanks