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Devil’s Arrow

Weather Wizard was the one who made the tidal wave. Barry was creating a wind shield to stop the tidal wave


I mean. Ralph didn't knew that he was on DeVoe's hitlist before. Now he knows, and he's backsliding, he's scared and thinking about only number one, like he used to before joining team Flash, that is perfectly natural and understandable reaction. Also Ralph wasn't there during Savitar, so he never saw Iris being in the field and risking her life and being hunted. They maybe talked about it, but seeing is believing, and he saw everything he needed this episode. And Flash didn't create that tsunami in season one when he traveled back in time for the first time, Weather Wizard did it and Flash was running back and forth on the beach to create and sand wall to stop it, or something like that. "My money" dude is the best. This episode is probably one of the most hated episode of the Flash, but this guy is so awesome, all of the 'we are the flash' crap is worth it. One of the most memorable villains of the week, I absolutely adore this idiot)

Sad Cat

I honestly don't get the hate this episode gets. I've heard some people go: "UHhh why is Iris allowed to lead Team Flash she has no superpowers, no field experience wtf CW". Then Iris gets temporary powers for an actual plot purpose and they go: "NOOoo not like that wtf CW why does Iris have powers now"


I too don't know what bedtime is. I finished watching this now at 00:48 am my time

Luis Garcia

I think Savitar's lightning color was due to the suit. Iris' lightning color was probably chosen to match her suit later in the episode.

David Brown

Savitar's may have been because of how it reflected off the suit. Outside the suit Savitar-Barry had yellow lightning. Being because of Iris' suit color, before she's even wearing it, doesn't make sense, otherwise Barry would have red lightning and Thawne would have yellow lightning.