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I think there's three parts of what Iris did, one is right, the others are very very wrong. First, suppressing Nora's powers when she was a kid: This is very reasonable. Without Barry around, there's no way that Iris could have dealt with a 2 year old with superspeed. The other two things are about what Iris did as Nora grew up. Not telling a 3 year old they have superspeed makes sense...but at some point, Iris should have told her daughter the truth. The fact that she didn't do that, is pretty horrible. Even worse, Nora is obviously an adult. The show hasn't given her age yet, but it's pretty obvious that Nora is over 18...suppressing Nora's powers when she was a child is one thing, suppressing Nora's powers after she turns 18 is evil.

Paul Gregory

Wow, you're one of the only reactors I can remember being remotely on Nora's side on this. Everyone else seemed to suffer from Protagonist-Centered Morality, where the stars of the show can seemingly do no wrong, and many seemed to come to that conclusion even from this episode (with Nora knowing from experience what Iris did while Iris is simply guessing) she must have had a good reason for it...because Barry said she's too pure a person to have possibly made a mistake? And maybe if Iris had been more conflicted that would keep the audience conflicted too but nope, one talk with someone who wasn't even there at all and has just heard about it and is in the deepest love with her and Iris just stubbornly sets in her ways. And the audience nods along. "She must have had a good reason. No one knows even her but Iris must have been right." And if I talk any further I'll accidentally jump into spoiler territory so I'll just stop right now.


I don’t agree. Full disclosure, I don’t really care for Iris but i think I’m on her side. All the information we know is she dampened Nora’s powers for ~33 years (Going by JPK’s age at the time). Sure if it was anyone off the street I’d understand being upset but this is Iris. Should we not be giving her the benefit of the doubt? We know she isn’t stupid and knows how important powers are to someone. I mean she’s had them in the past and she married the Flash so this must have been a tough decision. Sure I guess Iris could have turned evil or something but based on what little Nora has said about future Iris that doesn’t seem to be the case. Here’s another example. Think of someone you trust and know is a good person. Let’s say you don’t talk with them for a number of years but know they are doing okay. Then one day you are walking down the street and you turn the corner and there is the person punching someone in the street. Is your initial reaction gonna be “my friend is a evil” or “There must be a good explanation for why this is happening because I know my friend would just randomly punch someone.”


Talmet, Paul and Wyatt (already) very well explained the various angles by which you can argue regarding Nora's powers and what Iris did. So I don't think I can add anything to that. However, I do agree with you Shan that Iris and Barry could have been more sensible in this dicussion with Nora. I understand Barry supports his wife, but in such sensitive matters you have to think about the words you are going to use and what are going to say.

Brandon Wiesner

That's what I think Shan was really getting at. Not that she has a problem with what she did in the future, because we don't yet know why but because of how they basically brushed it off to Nora like welp, there must have been a good reason. Nora's not going to want to hear that.

Zach Hershman

Yeah. They both handled it poorly. Not in their meaning but in how they presented that to Nora. We don't know why Iris took away her powers (I'm caught up with the show so I do) but what we do know is that Barry has been missing her entire life. There is a very good chance he is missing because he used his powers. That trauma probably had something to do with it. That, I think, is an understandable reason. She should have told her at some point though. I wonder if Iris was terrified because she knew how much Nora idolized Barry.


I also do know the real reason. I caught up with the show in season 4 and since then watched it live / the week a new episode aired. As for Barry missing during Nora's entire life, the article inthe time vault (for example shown by Nora in 5x01) gives some clues about the when and where. And seeing as the article states 'The Flash' and not 'Barry Allen', I guess we can assume with some certainty that his powers were part of the reason he disappeared. Furthermore, I can only imagine how it must feel to suddenly lose the love of your life. And that experience / trauma for certainly influenced Iris decision making. Finally, I agree at some point Iris should have told Nora. But I guess the trauma was more powerfull then the possible will to tell the truth.

Luis Garcia

It seems that I am not alone in thinking that the issue with suppressing Nora's powers isn't necessarily the fact that they were suppressed, but that Barry and Iris can't really say that it was done for a good reason if they don't have any context. Nora might not even have all the context if her mother wasn't the one that told her she had powers. Although I doubt Iris becomes evil in the future, she could still make a bad decision. At this point in time, I remembered thinking that Iris might have decided to suppress Nora's powers due to Barry disappearing. Iris might have been scared that she would also lose Nora if she decided to become a superhero like her father. I personally agree with Talmet in that suppressing Nora's powers as a child is something I can understand. Having a speedster child would probably be a lot to handle, especially since Iris is not a speedster. Along with this, a child might not understand to hide her powers and expose herself as a speedster to the world. At some point, she should have been told of her powers and given the choice to use them. I don't know how old Nora is, but if she was a CSI in the future, she probably also went to college , so I would say somewhere between mid 20's to early 30's. She's been independent for years and should have probably already been told. In the end of the day, it is still hard to judge if you don't have any context to explain why Iris made the decision.

Christina Jones

I think calling Iris evil is beyond a stretch and I’m responding to those person that stated that. People simply love giving Iris shit because it makes them feel entitled to hate a character that in many ways makes more levelheaded decisions than the lead white male. (Shan I don’t think that’s your opinion at all) That said, this was the show finally dampening the halo effect though I decree there have been plenty of moments shes made an emotional call that was a mistake but apparently it’s more fun to stay hers vs any other character that have done things far more erroneous and monumental. The fact is the SW doesn’t know how to balance out the characters. IA Noras anger is absolutely valid, her issue is she’s taking it out on the wrong person because there is 3 decades between who Iris is and who she becomes with the loss of Barry. We saw the future Barry after Iris; he shit down his family and broke promises due to his pain. What Barry was tryna convey in the sloppy way in which we are the flash was interpreted ad nauseum bc that storytellers really have an issue being specific but also don’t have time to handhold an audience is that knowing who Iris is he can’t think she’d do something so out of character that didn’t have a purpose behind it. It doesn’t make it any less wrong but she ain’t the first one. They bring up Joe; he kept her ignorant to protect her even when she knew something was off and it got dangerous. Joe almost framed Devoe. Cisco outed Barry’s identity. Nora, however thinks being hurt gives her the right to act like a child and throw a tantrum because she is reacting to the wrong person as I stated earlier. She owes her anger to the person who hurt her not to mention she knows this person has no idea why she did what she did and she’s been boorish yo the point of affecting her ability and maturity to be a hero as Spencer was evidently guilty and she acted out which could have ended deadly. Barry also was siding with Iris because he sees the behavior and whatever caused it he ain’t gonna continue thinking she deserves no matter what. Iris tried to keep him out of the conversation; Iris also immediately validated her feelings but can only respond with the only hopeful answers BARRY gave her but yeah blame Iris. She can’t nor when’s a better than him the enormity if it which is why she dislikes herself. No one knows the factors and I’m talking characters not those who’ve watched the season.... their making assumptions based on the now and despite her once again reasonable betrayal she also put them in a crap position they would react the only way they could. What we have is a complicated family history and the only person there for it is Nora and her perspective. Sidenote I wish they’d made her age younger cause some of her actions at her age are infantile.