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The reason why we haven't any Joe recently is because during the hiatus inbetween seasons 4 and 5, the actor hurt his back, which is why the last couple times we saw Joe, he was sitting down a lot and his back injury kept getting worse so the writers temporarily wrote him off so that the actor can recover

David Brown

Regarding Nora being smart enough to create a language. Yes, she does make rash and impulsive (pun kind of intended) decisions in her actions, but she is smart when it comes to math, science and stuff like that. She's book smart, not street smart. Though Barry is both (most of the time, maybe just not right now). Zoom left Barry paralyzed at the end of 2x06: Enter Zoom, with that as the episode cliffhanger. He slowly started to walk again throughout the next episode. Just in time for that season's crossover. Yes, Arrow's Seeing Red was indeed when Slade killed Moira.

Luis Garcia

I have a lot of thoughts on this episode. First I'll start with Iris. I think Iris makes very poor decisions in relation to Nora. Since Nora spent this first few episodes ignoring and avoiding her, Iris seems to be doing whatever she can to please Nora. She mostly always sides with Nora, even when she probably shouldn't. Like we've said before, Nora going back in time with Barry was dangerous. She had already made plenty of mistakes before, including messing up the timeline, and they were going back to some important and dangerous times. But she thinks Nora should go because Nora wants to go. Barry was a bit out of character this episode, and I agree with you more after all the points you brought up. He's let Thawne go despite having killed his mother. He didn't kill Zoom after he killed his father. He also didn't kill Savitar despite having tried to kill Iris. I think I would have believed Iris wanting to kill Cicada more seeing as she actually killed Savitar. Cicada she have definitely been stopped by now. There are a non-zero amount of ways they could have captured him by now. They should have brought meta cuffs with them and put them on Cicada while Frost was freezing the dagger. Barry should have knocked him out while he still had him. Either way, they should have caught him. Cisco no longer wanting powers does seem weird to me. If we wants to stop being a superhero than he could just not use his powers. If the cure is permanent and he changes his mind or needs the powers for an emergency, there's nothing he can do. I never liked this idea of Cisco not wanting his powers.


Was it a a great episode? No. But one could say you were a bit harsh. In the original time line Barry broke / collapsed ater his wife was killed and what let him to become Savitar. This was prevented, but it's likely that there were still psychological consequences; emotional damage. Barry seeying his daughter lying paralyzed from the neck down could have very well have brought up those emotions. Furthermore, Barry didn't know how long it was going to take for daughter to recover and or it would be a full one. Because the dagger could have left permanent damage. That he reacted a bit emotional is understandable, but I agree getting into a "kill state" would quite likely never happen. When it comes to Sherloque investing Nora. Besides the fact that no parent would like it if someone was investigating their child, Iris (still) feels guilty for how she treated her daughter in the future; Dampening Nora's powers. And it seems she has become overprotective of Nora to I guess make up for that. And you know what they say: love makes blind. When it comes to Cisco and his powers, I guess his encounter with Cicada traumatized him. Made him afraid of that the fact that he may not have a future as hero and so he wants to create a cure to rid him of his powers. So he can be an ordinary human being and live out a long and prosperous life. After all a lot hero's never get old because they die in the line of duty. Finally, I agree Cicada could have easily have been caught and in imprisoned by now. They have had multiple opportunities and every single time they decided at the moment suprême that something else had a higher priority. I guess the writers were perhaps having trouble with filling up an complete season. So they decided American Pie could stay a little longer and allowed him to escape this much.


the reason why they are treating nora getting hurt like a big deal because its their first DAUGHTER EVER and seeing your kid get hurt no matter what even one with super powers is still super scary and to know that her speed healing isn't working normally when it always does is their worst nightmare as first time parents of a speedster. even though shes 30 shes mentally still a little girl/teenager cause she never got to grow up with her dad/ this lifestyle. this season deals with a lot of mental health and feelings and emotions. cisco not wanting to be vibe isn't weird.. he's having a personal identity crisis. in his mind he thinks that while being vibe he has lost himself and he misses just being cisco. i agree i think getting rid of his powers is a bit extreme but everyone deals with crisis and emotions differently.


Wow, you hated that episode a bit too much, maybe? And flipping out at the end because of a title is a little silly, is it not?


I'm in the middle of the reaction right now but glad you didn't google anything always get a bit nervous when you are about to do something like that. So I googled it myself instead and you are right Zoom broke Barry's back in 2x06 Enter Zoom (I see David Brown has mentioned this too) and he recovered in the next episode I think


Btw they are making the cure with Cicadas weapon (which doesnt work on Frost) and I think Cisco mentioned something about that this cure is affecting dark matter(?) So this cure shouldnt work on Frost right? Well maybe I missed something.. also about Barry.. if I remember right he wanted to kill Zoom but they put him in the cell and he wanted to kill himself so Savitar gets erased (which is kinda killing him(?)) And they showed a few seconds after Iris died that it was HR and Barry was too happy bc "only" HR died and not Iris.. so thats why he didnt try to kill him after that.. and about Nora.. i dont know if Caitlin said that shes gonna be 100% fine but she didnt start healing in the beginning bc of Cicadas powers so her healing started later. And maybe there is a chance that even the speed healing doesnt work bc its too late? Idk..

Andrew Courtney

Nora did not create the language she learned it from Thawne. He’s well versed in time travel hence a language that can’t be altered based on changes to the time line. It’s not said but you should infer that’s how she learned it the minute you see her go visit him and he’s reading it in the prison.


I do think the writers constantly change their mind on whether or not Killer Frost is a meta-human. For instance in season 3, she gained her abilities when Flash messed with the Time line (Flashpoint) but as we are aware she's had them since she was a child. Meaning Barry shouldn't have affected Cailten and her icy persona in any way. Also through season 3, Cailten was constantly wearing meta dampening cuffs to keep Killer Frost at bay. Which since we know from this season, she isn't a Meta-human, the cuffs shouldn't have worked, yet they did. And when it comes to this episode, they make the cure seem like a possible threat to Killer Frost, even though its a cure for Meta-humans, which Killer Frost is not. Otherwise her powers would been dampened by Cicada. I just think the writers have no idea what Killer Frost is, so they make up stupid rules about how her powers work. But the point is they should decide whether she is a meta-human or not. But as we've been told she isn't. So they need to stop giving her the same rules as Meta-humans because she isnt one.


Yeah, everything you didn't like about this episode was frustrating for me when I watched this episode too. Iris was really naive (unjustifiably so, considering all of the times Team Flash has been betrayed). She shamed Sherloque for trying to help and find the truth even though she, as a journalist, supposedly believes in the value of chasing the truth. Everyone reacted to Nora's injuries like she was in a hopeless state, though they knew she'd be fine in a few days. And, Team Flash completely let Cicada go AGAIN. Why didn't Barry run Cicada to the pipeline and dispose of the dagger when Killer Frost temporarily negated the dagger's dampening effect? I think the worst part is that the characters should know better. They're not behaving consistently. About the metahuman cure: Cisco has always seemed to love having abilities. It's very uncharacteristic for him to suddenly want to not be a meta.

Jordan St. James

Nora has said it a couple of times before but I kept forgetting to mention anything. Now that she's said it again in this episode, fun bit of trivia: "schway" is a slang word that the people of Neo Gotham in Batman Beyond say. Or maybe you knew that already, in which case, I'm a dumbass.

Jordan St. James

Barry is the Superman of the Arrowverse. Is extremely powerful but driven by emotion. That's why we get Flashpoint. That's why we get all-powerful alien trying to be dictator of the whole world because his wife dies. That's why Batman, in my opinion anyway, is a more compelling hero. He and his Arrowverse counterpart, Mr. Oliver Queen, run on logic and operate in moral grey areas. But they still have a heart, a code.

David Brown

I mentioned it/reminded her of it at the beginning of the season. 5x02: Blocked

Brandon Wiesner

If a show wants Shan to like an episode, make sure not to name it Seeing Red, lol.

Ian Caudillo

She is a meta-human just not one created by dark matter that is why Cicada's dagger doesn't work on her. In the previous episode they mentioned how Caitlyn's father created a meta-gene.

Ian Caudillo

Exactly it was a little clear when she said she made it up it was a lie.


They were worried about Nora and her back even though Barry hadn't broken his because the dark matter was affected by Cicada and she was healing slower.


yeah I didn't get the whole Nora breaking her back thing she literally got healed within the same episode lmao