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Jordan St. James

That "Oscar-winning movie about a woman banging a fish-man" was called The Shape of Water. It won Best Picture and was directed by a man who already paired a human woman with a devil-man in Hellboy. The man just loves his creatures and monsters.

Kevin Tran

Also directed one of the best fantasy films of all time, Pan’s Labyrinth

Jordan St. James

Damn. American Pie's overacting in this episode somehow reached a whole new level of ham.


This isn't anything from the episode, but from the comment reading/discussion at the beginning. I have a possible answer to why sometimes when a speedster time travels they replace themselves and sometimes the don't. In all instances that I can think of the speedster not replacing themselves the time travel was controlled (in the pipeline), and when the time travel is spontaneous/accidental it is not through the pipeline.

James jackson

They really did not need a 22 episode season to tell American Pie's story. 13 tops cut all the "aw shucks he got away" bullshit from the speedsters set a few strategic losses on cliffhanger episodes and give Pie better dialogue.


Nora said that Green Arrow, the Legends, Supergirl and even the League couldnt beat Cicada. So you expect good fights even though its another version. They should have given the first Cicada more abilities like the power the new one has so the fights would have been better. Well in the beginning of this season the fights were not bad. But again I liked this villain because he is only hunting metas because he thinks they are bad and he is doing it for the kid so I tried to ignore the bad fights.

Andreas Froby

Hrm how could you time travel if you not a speedster ;) #legends

David Brown

Or a DeLorean.


So Zoom getting his own drink in the place where he killed a bunch of cops is questionable decision, but at least they made that drink after Zoom's defeat......two episode ago a dude ordered a "Cicada"!!! A serial killer at large!!! And it's funny that American Pie got himself a drink named after him before Nora did)

Luis Garcia

You know what they say, if one Cicada isn't good enough add another Cicada

Chris Peacock

So while I do like the overall idea they were going with here I do wish we had switched Cicada's a few episodes earlier. American Pie Cicada wasn't a big enough threat for this many episodes as you've said. Alicia Cicada is a big enough threat but only has a few episodes left in the season to work with.


Again tho that was OG Cicada not American Pie. Maybe the OG version had more powers


I feel like the writers were like writing episode like 12 for this season which is about the time probably episodes 1-5 were airing and realized people hated Cicada. So they tried to address the two main problems people had which were the actor/character and him being too weak. So they were like “Well we have to do Cicada for the rest of the season so what do we do?” And someone was like “Easy! A second Cicada! We make Grace the villain and give her more powers!”


Yes I know but its still weird.. telling us there is a strong Cicada version who fought against every hero but because of timetravel we get a version who cant fight team Flash and flies away every time

David Brown

The whole reaction I was going, "Will she recognize Alicia? Will she recognize Alicia?... She did!" (Not that I wasn't paying attention to everything else.)