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This was posted as part of the Arrowverse week in October 2021.

Supergirl & The Flash (1990) were today.

Tomorrow for Arrowverse week is Black Lightning 3x08 & The Flash 6x07!



Jake Hodgson

I have a soft spot for this show. I can't say I remember watching it when it first aired but I know I did, and I had to have enjoyed it at the time because picked it up when it came to dvd close to 2 decades later. Is it a great show, not really, is it cheesy as hell, you bet it is., I feel however it is often over looked when people talk about important steps in superhero film/tv. Mark Hamill is a joy to watch in pretty much everything, but this A+, especially when you compare it with, what would have been at the time, his later joker performance as you yourself are fond of doing. I enjoy John Wesley Shipps performance as Barry even if it's not comic accurate and to be honest him being cast as Barry's dad in the Flash is pretty much the reason I started watching the Arrowverse, altogether. John Barrowman being in arrow also helped that decision. Thank you for giving me a reason to rewatch this show from my childhood once again.

Patrick - Excelsior

OK Some of the gags in this one looked like they stole them from Batman 1966. The Sneezing powder, the fake teeth, and the pink glue/gum spill. Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb. I luv it Shan. I beat you by 3 seconds...Barry, knocked out again..... As for when they tried to brainwash Barry...it could work...possibly...forcing him to watch hours after hours of television and movies over which he has no control....it could work. -Close you eyes Shan...Close your eyes!- 😜

Mark Chrisco

While I enjoyed the 90s Flash, some things just didn't work. The program was patterned after Batman '89. Unlike Batman, Flash has never been a dark, gritty or moody character. Because the special effects were not up to bringing to life a speedster, everything was focused on the colorful villains instead of Barry. Things improved as the show continued , but cancellation loomed. Mark Hamill was brought back for the last episode in an attempt to bring up the rating and secure a second season. Notice how all the supporting cast made farewell appearances. Alas, not to be. I still believe with a new lighter, and brighter tone and change of direction, a second chance might have been a success. On the plus side, after all these years, John Wesley Shipp is still The Flash!

Chris Peacock

The ratings were fine. 22 million viewers for the pilot and slowly trailing down to 10ish million by the end. By comparison Supergirl season 1was also on CBS and had almost 13 million viewers for the pilot and about 6 by the end of the season and that is by far the best of the Arrowverse since the rest is CW. It's hard to compare 1990 and 2015, but it's the best we have. And those numbers in 1990 were fine. It was in the same timeslot as Cheers. Nothing was gonna beat Cheers. If the show was cheaper, the ratings were good enough to continue. But at the cost of 1.5 million per episode, it just wasn't good enough. That's over 3 million per episode in 2021 money. Which is... actually about average. lol But in 1990 that was insane and never gonna fly. The HBO fantasy dragon show that I refuse to talk about anymore was 15 million per episode by the end, but on a more real comparison, 2014 Flash is estimated to be between 2.5 and 3 million per episode. So 90s Flash cost about the same amount of money per episode and had better ratings being on a much bigger network. CBS. I guess what killed it was 1990. 10 million viewers for 3 million dollars would absolutely be renewed today.

Zach Hershman

You really can't compare the tv landscape from 1990 to 2015. In 1990, it was essentially the big 3 networks and FOX trying to become bigger. Cable television was a thing that was mainly there for sports and reruns. There were 4 or 5 nights of content to be spread out over those channels.

Chris Peacock

I know it isn't a fair comparison. I even said as much in the comment. But it's the best we can do. Hence the problem being that it was 1990.