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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tc5wwaacersqhzv/Batwoman%20S01E12%20-%20Take%20Your%20Choice%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Sad Cat

Crows followed the batbike after the checkpoint, that's how Sophie found them. Cartwright killed a Crow officer (that's how he sneaked Mouse out of the hospital) and stole his radio so he followed them to Beth.

David Brown

This is why there couldn't be 2 Laurels. 1 would have to die, or both would die.


I'm currently caught up with your Batwoman and Crisis content. Your reactions in 1x09 to Tom Welling, Kevin Conroy were perfect, I remember you completely lost it when the smallville theme came up in elseworlds. Thank you for the smiles and laughs. Also I enjoy Alice as a villain/character, shes fun and reminds me of earth 2 laurel. What do you think of alice so far? 🍋


but supergirl had al's bar and all the brainys it makes no sense i do love good!beth though catherine's "ill save you a seat in hell" line was chilling


Sebastian Roche plays the best awful dads, first Mikael, now this god he's good random fun fact, he was married to Vera Farmiga for a few years. Farmiga plays Kate's mom in hawkeye.

Jake Hodgson

From a story perspective I really like the idea they went with when it came to Beth and Alice being unable to co exist... however it has the unintended result of shining a giant spot light on the fact there was no post crisis talk between the shows about the rules of a post crisis world. I feel these types of inconsistencies happen often with the Arrowverse but they've never seemed to stand out as much as this.