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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cwx24sie5rb0f9nfle9jl/The-Cabin-In-The-Woods-2011-FULL-MOVIE-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=g483ud2v96e5ykmjgn3p29cjj&dl=0

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Those are called Whoppers Malted Milk Balls in the States. I love them and eat them fairly regularly. Quite inexpensive compared to most sweets.


This was not what i was expecting but i really liked it. I wish there were more answers in the end but it was a good movie.


You should definitely do more horror. They can be alot of fun when you watch the right ones. (Alot of them arent even scary but still fun)


This is always been one of my favorite movies and now I've gotten to see it reacted to by all three of my favorite reactors on Patreon. I've got to be honest I expected a bigger reaction at the elevator scene. I can't tell if you just weren't scared or you completely shut down. As with your other attempts at zombie related material this was the type of uncomfortable for you I don't find enjoyable. That tortured puppy kind. Regardless I'm very proud of you for braving the film and dealing with zombies as well as you did. As with your other attempts at zombie related material this was the type of uncomfortable for you I don't find enjoyable . That tortured puppy kind.


Considering that Shaun of the Dead was her original trauma source, finding a not scary horror movie might be difficult.


This movie has been on my to-watch list forever, but still havne't gotten around to it. Got it downloaded, and once I get brave enough I'll watch :) Thanks for reacting to this!


Fun film with a good twist on the usual horror tropes. Also maltesers is a top tier snack choice , did you know u can get them in 500g buckets