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Thank you for your support Jason Wilkinson!

OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/nyyorcc7

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fr3n7tsz6x5g8z48re826/Liar-Liar-1997-FULL-MOVIE-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=yhgv739cunml01yit74sqqb1r&dl=0

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Brennon Booth

The reaction is excellent as always. About Jim Carrey, one of the best, but sometimes these " antics" are a little annoying.


Is that older lady from charmed? The episode where their aunt steals their powers with her 2 friends?

Steve Quast

My favorite Jim Carrey movie that's pure comedy. My other favorite is The Truman Show. So, Max makes a wish about his father and it comes true in the worst way possible. I know she doesn't typically grant wishes to kids, but could Anya have just been in the area? The movie is also similar to that one episode of Supernatural in which people are forced or cursed into telling the truth in as harsh a manner as possible. They may very well have taken a cue from this film. Anyway, a very fun movie with some heartwarming scenes at the end, as you said. Glad you enjoyed it.


Bruce Almighty is another good Jim Carrey movie. 😁

Brandon Wiesner

He did look and act different in this movie but the ex-wife's new bf was Westley from The Princess Bride.