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Hello friends! Today I finished Letter G in Tome of Beasts by giving the Gug a little touch up. I made it originally years ago so it just needed a nice sculpt up. Given some of the files for it are rather large you can find the Drive Link for the rest of them here. After that I made the first two hags in the book, the Blood Hag and Mirror Hag!

The Blood Hag is a rather creepy fey with worms for hair who collects the blood of her victims for nefarious arcane rituals. The Mirror hag on the other hand is a hideous looking fey who curses anyone who is repulsed by the site of her hideous form by turning her victims into exact physical copies of her. Given the artwork for both were similar I made a base hag out of the Blood Hag and sculpted up the Mirror to look more creepier haha.

More to come tomorrow! Enjoy!



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