June Tier Rewards Drawing is Complete! (Patreon)
2018-05-31 18:51:23
Hello dragons! So as I stated in an earlier post, I won't be able to make a tutorial video until next week as I'm going to a friends wedding this weekend. I'll make a video next week for sure, of which I'll make that Mysterious Merchant mini :-D
However, I'll at least do the drawings now and announce the Tier winners for June. Time to get the dice out!
*starts rolling dice and counting down the lists*
Ancient Dragons:
- Clay Kilpatrick
- Carl Rossi
Adult Dragons:
- Trox
- Joshuah Witmer
- Jason
Young Dragons:
- Julian Dahan
- Frenziedsteam
- Alex
- David Greenfield
Ok there we go! I'll message each of you soon! I'm really excited as to what you guys will come up with! And to everyone else who did not make it this time, I still really appreciate your support as I continue this project. You're all amazing :-)