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Hey guys! Starting in July, I will share with my Young, Adult, and Ancient Dragon Tiers a Google Drive Link that will have access to ALL my files. This includes Blender files if you'd like to work on the models themselves I know its a pain to sift through my various creations online, so this will make life a little easier for you guys. 

I will also create a new Tier, the Wyvern, which will be $5 and will only be to access this Google Drive Link to all my files. No random drawings and modeling for that tier though. 

I'll need some time to clear out my drive and post the files. But expect a message from me soon with the link for you guys :-D



I’m super excited for this. I literally wrote an application that automatically navigates your Shapeways and opens models based on keywords in new tabs for me to easily download and find the ones I want


This is going above and beyond. Now to learn to adjust and edit blender files. Once again thanks for all your effort and dedication to this community.


This is huge! Love your work. Appreciate your making access easier.


This is awesome. Especially since I won't have to bother making yet another account somewhere (i.e. shapeways) ;)


Yeah. The Wyvern tier will be enough for me to bump my pledge. Well played!


Wow nice. I'd like to see that application. But yeah I'm happy to help :-)


Well if anything Shapeways is still free. But yeah I'm happy to help a bit :-)

Ira Sanborn

Just in time for getting my own printer next month =)


Been following your work for a while. Definitely need to back a higher tier eventually since I would love to get the chance at having you model one of my characters.