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So while working on Asmodeus I got some messages about my Barlgura not being printable. I checked it out and cricky it was old lol. Reversed normals, messed up geometry, and no base haha

Anyway I've updated the Barlgura and even uploaded a more dynamic posed version that a friend made for me years ago. Its in Demons - Barlgura :-) 

You can also get the files here: https://www.shapeways.com/product/4CKA5RKC3/barlgura-v2 and the original here: https://www.shapeways.com/product/YVJPLT24H/barlgura

Kind of funny, working on the lord of Devils and a Demon comes in to interrupt me haha 



John Crichton

I love the new Bulgura. Any chance you'd start adding a copy of the model to the google drive before you add the base? With every model I print I load it into Blender and delete the base. I find it is SO much easier to clean the supports up. I then glue it to a base, sometime to a base printed with translucent filament... which I also started using after seeing some of your prints using that material! Thanks!