New Perk for Higher Tiers: The Commercial Ready Share Drive! (Patreon)
2018-12-03 19:17:33
I have now created a Commercial Ready Google Drive full of intellectual property neutral models for patrons who have pledged $10 or more. These models are based on the D&D SRD, so you might have seen them on other IP Neutral sites where I've posted in the past.
I created this new perk for patrons interested in starting their own hobby shop or 3D Printing maker space. Its a small feature but I figured it would be helpful when searching for models you're allowed to sell prints of.
Obviously the list isn't as big as the main Drive, but I hope its helpful. Message me if you see anything that doesn't belong there or is missing, as I'm trying to play it safe as usual. Anyway, good luck and happy printing!